Rias signaled to Asia on focusing to heal Akeno first. None of them are retired yet because of Asia's continuous healing.

"Heh... hehe-BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Look at you and your servants! All of you are wiped out! What more can you offe-...Huh?"

Akeno stands up while being healed, Kiba and Koneko slowly rised while in pain. All of them glared at Riser, Riser twitched for a moment but immediately glared back, he's becoming more irritated. He's anger is increasing dangerously making him grind his teeth and having psychopathic thoughts. Oh! Did I mention that the fighters are a mess? Riser's hair is the only messy thing on him, it's because he keeps regenerating his body. I guess the side effects are messy hair.

'What's wrong with these people!? Why won't they go down!?' Riser thought.

During that thought process, he suddenly had a dangerous idea making him grin. During those moments, Asia casted a spell.

"Twilight Area Heal!"

A comforting light green sphere covered the ORC, hastening the process of healing group-wise. Asia was able to cleverly create this skill during her healing's potency became higher, she can now do an area heal spreading the healing properties inside the sphere. Asia was getting worried her healing can't reach everybody, so she improvised.

The people watching the broadcast are on the edge of their seat, excited for what's about to comes next. Truly, this game will forever go down on the demonic history. But that's a story for another time...

'P-please hurry back, Issei-san! I'm afraid, I won't last long any l-longer!'

Indeed, Asia's Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing, is incredibly important and valuable. But. If the host can't handle the excessive continuous healing, fatigue will take over the host's body and his/her body will......let's not go there........ It's just fainting, jeez. Riser decided to think out loud.

"...Should I focus on the healer more, I wonder~?"

Riser grinned. Everyone got what he intended but was utterly confused. Rias got the message and was horrified.

"Kiba! Koneko!"



Koneko and Kiba left the sphere.

"Akeno! Attack together with me! Asia stay behind us! Don't leave our side!"

"Got it Buchou~"


'That sick bastard!'

Rias was fully aware what Riser meant.

During the time Rias was coming up of different strategies, she also watched some of Riser's Rating Game. At some point, she saw some things that only Riser 'uniquely' do.

Molesting his enemies, specifically girls, when he is annoyed or irritated before retiring them. The women that was molested can't retire because Riser either always beat them up to the point they cannot talk but still can fight or cover their mouths so they can't manually retire. This is also a strategy to make the opponent king to forfeit. That's the sick and horrifying things that Rias witnessed. So she became alerted altogether.

Riser swooped in fast, Koneko and Kiba in the way with swords and fists ready.


Issei Reborn (Highschool DxD fanfic) [Currently Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now