Chapter 10: Champion

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Wow it's already chapter 10 this is awesome and I have writers block again



Wouldn't it be funny if our author decided to introduce a new character? If he did I would kill him (A/N Let's not do anything we would regret)

I looked at Klein and he seemed to be thinking the same thing, then Klein looked over at Alder who was probably not thinking the same thing by the way he was staring at Jenny.

(A/N hey guys ever since a few seconds ago I've been spelling Seriously siriously, who's proud of me?)

Alder twitched and sent out his buffalant. I sent out my swampert amd Klein just sat there.

Alder etched something into the ground with his foot then buffalant and Alder charged at a bush.

When they were about 3 feet away they suddenly became enveloped in shadows and thrown across the clearing.

Alder chuckled then charged again this time a Gengar ran out followed by a man with purple hair,  black tux and a black fedora.

The man landed behind Alder and slugged him in the back of the head, Alder said something in giberish and fell over.

Klein ran over tried to punch the man in the face, missed and also fell over.

The man raised his eyebrows and kicked Alder.


I looked down at N and smiled it was nice to see someone else I chains for once.

I kicked him in the gut and laughed as he coughed out blood. I lifted my foot and beat him with it as my grunts chuckled.

"Oh Anthea and Concordia please come in here for a second." I called. A few minutes later a lady with pink hair and a lady with blond hair entered the room.

I continued to beat N as the grunts held the 2 lady's back. I was about to take a swing at N's face before something stopped me, I looked down to see N holding my foot blood spewing from his mouth. He slowly twisted my leg and snapped it.

I screamed in pain but it soon turned to laughter as one of the grunts shot N in the leg.

I let my men pull me away as Anthea and Concordia treated to N's wounds. I frowned we still had no lead on what had happened to Klein. Wich made me mad.


I woke up with a bandage rapped around my hand I wasn't even in the tent just lying by the fire beside the purple haired suit guy that... wait what's he doing here. I jumped to my feet and swung my fist at him, he grabbed my hand and I fell down in pain.

He looked down at me and said "by the way your hand is broken I wouldn't recommend using it but that's just me." And he shrugged.

I looked down at my hand and sighed. The man smiled "My name is Takeru I'm the champion of the Unova Region."

My jaw dropped.


Hey peeps end of chapter and I no longer have writers block, but can someone please tell me how I can put more detail into my writing?

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