Chapter 18: first gym

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"It seems the only Unova starter you three have with you, is a snivy. So I, the grate Chile shall be your opo..." The red haired gym leader was cut off by Kleins arrogant objection.

"Hahahah that my friend is where you are wrong!" Yelled Klein pointing at chili with a gleam in his eyes.

"You see we have another starter between us, see its a swampert the water type and he is more powerful see, so that in turn means the great and powerful Klein slayer of mountains, concourer of nations shall be facing the water type trainer Cress see!"

I leaned over to Devin "is it just me or is Klein acting different?"

Devin chuckled "He's just determined."

I nodded.

Cress stepped forwards "I guess I have no say in this, oh well I'll just kick your @$$ and get this overwith!"

Klein gave a hardy laugh. "Well, then let the match between trainer Klein and the gym leader Cress begin!"

The refs stepped forwards "HEY THATS MY JOB!"

Klein took a step back "Ok then say it, yeesh."

"I don't even care anymore, anyway this is a single battle match each trainer may use up to 3 pokémon!"

Klein and Cress both took out a pokeball, clicked the button and threw out.

A lilipup apeared out of cress's ball.

A black shadow burst out of Klein pokeball and ran at the lilipup, it tried to use bit to catch the pokémon in its jaws but failed and was sent flying making a small explosion of dust.

As the dust cleared I could make out a pawinard standing in a fighting stance.

I jumped out of my seat "When did he catch that?!?"

Klein snikerd "no use trying to counter that, it's his own special move, I call it shadow barage."

Cress but his lip "your better than I thought, to be honest I thought you were just an ego!"

"Pawinard do it again this time type 2!"

Pawinard ran at he lilipup as a shadow again, this time as he aproached he stopped and kicked the lilipup into the air, jumping up with it and smashing it back into the dirt.

As the dust cleared it revealed a fainted lilipup.

Cress looked awestruck a as he returned his pokémon with a word.

He sent out his second and out came a panpour. It just stood still with the same icy cold gaze as Cress.

Pawinard snickered and ran at the panpour, the move being blocked by a single water gun.

Pawinard kept trying again, every time it was the same result.

Klein was starting to sweat "PAWINARD SHADOW BARAGE TYPE 3!"

The dark type pokémon jumped over the the panpour starting a corcscrew down into the other pokémon.

The panpour just hit it with fury swipes then hit it with a water gun.

Pawinard was fainted.

Klein sent out his next pokémon.

Out burst Tiny Dancer just floating, in the air, not doing anything... just floating, the same fiery look in his eyes as klein.

Tiny dancer landed on the ground surrounding the stage with psychic energy then shot simultaneously magical leaves at panpour it seemed to scratch it up a bit but it then rushed at Tiny Dancer making multiple fury swipes quickly lowering it hp.

Tiny Dancer shot magical leaves straight down panpours throat sending it flying across the stage.

With both pokémon severely injured they could barely stand.

Panpour let out a shriek and fell to the ground reveling the psychic energy sorounding they stage had shocked him.

(Small time skip)

"I didn't think you could beat me you arrogant bastered, but I guess I have to give you the trio badge, so congrats on your first badge." Chuckled Cress.

Klein claimed his badge, pining it to his hoodie as he walked out of the striaton gym in victory.


Finally only 18 chapters in and 1 badge

Klein: are you proud?

Me: who the f*** are you?

Yay longest chapter yet

And C ya

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