Chapter 26: Flashubacku

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(4 years ago)


"On this side we have Takeru wasababi from some place in a dessert and on the other side is the gym leader Lenora from wherever we are oh god i hate my life, just kill each other for arceus's sake!"

Lenora gave the speaker a worried look before she sent out her lilipup, Mister challenger guy did the same then he sent out a haunter.

I sat on the side lines with whiskers in my lap.

"Gla-meow-meoow-glam." She said

Man I wish I could understand her.

I turned back to the battle, strings of darkness and light flew all around the battle field. Since the two Pokemon are ghost and normal, neither attacks were affecting each other. What exitement!


Just kidding it wasn't that bad.

One of the strings of light came flying at Whiskers and I, throwing us off of the stands and onto the battle field!

I got as low to the ground as I could, whiskers crawled into my shirt and dug her claws into my flesh as strings of black and white continued to fly past us.

BAM! Lilipup went down.

The fighting stopped but quickly started back up again when Lenora sent out Watchog.

Now, you're probably wondering. Why am I here? Well my dad was working with Lenora, doing research on extinct Pokémon when Lenora was challenged to a d-d-d-d-d-duel! So me, being the fanboy that I am, decided to watch. Back to the story.


Watchog landed on my back, causing Whisker's claws to go even deeper into my flesh.

Tears streamed from my eyes, blood dripped from underneath my shirt.

I ran off the battle field, out of the library and into the forest.  

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