Chapter 8: Dat milk

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I woke up in a small tent made out of sticks I looked around for my stuff I noticed Tiny Dancer was asleep beside me so I woke him up.

I walked out of the hut with Tiny Dancer on my shoulder. Outside I saw Alder who was cooking some sort of food and Devin who was making a fire but I didn't see Jenny she was probably asleep.

I walked over to Devin and asked "What happened where are we?"

He looked at me with a strange look "You mean you don't remember I don't really remember either so ask Alder."

I walked over to Alder and asked him the same question. Without taking his eyes off the food he said "That blond haired guy put us all to sleep and brought us all to team plasma I managed to get us all out but you seemed to have a massive head injury probably a concussion."

I scratched my head noticing that it was bandaged up "Now that you mention it I do remember getting kicked in the head. But why does the name team plasma seem so familiar?"

Alder smiled at me "Your Drayden's boy aren't ya?"

I nodded. Alder smiled even more "That's probably why the old fool you have as a dad always got caught up in team Plasma's business."

Just as he said that Jenny walked out of her tent with whiskers following behind her.

Whiskers yawned and said "Klein cancel my 2 o'clock apointment I will be eating whatever the ginger is cooking."

"Whiskers you know that you need you apointment or you'll get food in your fur And don't call him ginger his name's Alder." I said in poké talk.

"What is this 2 o'clock apointment?" Me and whiskers both looked over at Alder he was still cooking "You heard me what is the apointment?" Said Alder in poké talk. Wow I did not know anyone else could do that.

"I just have to comb her then brush her then oil her." I told Alder.

"Seems complicated." He said. I shook my head "I've been doing it for seven years you learn to get used to it."

I pulled out a carten of moo moo milk out of my bag and poured it into a bowl and gave it to Whiskers.

Tiny Dancer crawled over to my bag and stole a carten of milk and ran away I sighed and chased after him.

I got close enough and dove but at the last second he screamed "Dat milk doe!" And teleported away.

I put my hands in my pocket and walked away saying "I was gonna give him chocolate but I guess not." Just as I said that he teleported back. I took the milk and he fell to his knees and yelled "YOU LIER THERE WAS NEVER ANY CHOCOLATE MILK WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!" And he proceeded to shoot razor leafs at me with Whiskers laughing on the side lines.

After about 10 minutes of leafs I was blown across the camp and Tiny Dancer walked over to me took my milk and teleported away.


I walked over to Klein body and pulled him to his tent then I found Tiny Dancer and put the milk back in Kleins bag.

Man that is one strong ralts and He'll probably be an even stronger Gallade if he chooses to be one.


Hi peeps who wants pancakes well guess what you can't have the pancakes.

Klein: But I want the pancakes

Tiny Dancer: I want my milk *Shoots more leafs at Klein and Alder*

Jenny: Klein you need to get your pokémon under control!

Whiskers: Naw I think their fine how they are

And C ya

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