Chapter 28: Back to Reality

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I stood at one end of the gym, Lenora on the other. Devin and Jenny were watching from the sidelines; Devin seemed apathetic but Jenny looked like she still cared about the outcome of the fight.

The anouncer went through his routine but I couldnt be bothered to listen. Once again Lenora sent out herdier and I sent out Tiny dancer.

The herdier charched at Tiny dancer but having not recieved orders, he just stood there.

Just then I heard shouting coming from the sidelines. I looked up to see devin standing up, with a sudden intrest in the match. "Klein! I refuse to just sit by and let you be defeated so easily! What happened to the energetic boy that I've come to know? Just because we'll be going our seperate ways doesn't mean we'll never see each other again! When we meet again at the pokemon league, you better be ready for the fight of your life!"

I looked at tiny dancer, and with a sudden burst of energy I yelled "Kick his ass!" Tiny dancer chuckled a little then punched the herdier so hard that it was instantly knocked out.

Lenora was taken aback but quickly recovered and sent out watchhog

Then without my command Tiny Dancer retreated back into his pokeball and out sprang whiskers..

"Glameow!" Said the cat pokemon.

I nodded. "Glameow use shadow claw!"

Whiskers ran at Watchog with incredible speed and with her full force tore at it with a dark purple claw but the watchog easily dodged it.

Now it was Lenora's turn for an offensive. Watchog swung rapidly at whiskers each attack missed her by a hair.

Whiskers quickly dodged from side to side evading each attack until eventually she found and opening and made a decisive strike that took out the watchog in one hit.

The stadium was silent until Devin and Jenny broke out into cheering and I burst out into tears of joy and went to go hug whiskers.

"Well done!" Said Lenora as she went to meet me in the middle of the stadium. "Perhaps you have matured after all." I nodded a little. "Here you've earned this." She said, handing me my second badge.

I looked over at the stadium to see that Jenny was still clapping but Devib had sat back down and had a grim look on his face. I guess this is it.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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