one new message

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months had passed since millie sent that last email. months had passed since finn saved her life, not to her pleasure.

the summer had just begun and it was like every other, hot, boring, and a short break from the hell they lived.

summer, for millie, just made her sad. it reminded her that finn wasn't her friend anymore. she was mostly over him.

she could wake up most days without ever remembering how close they once were. of course there were still those days where it felt raw and heartbreaking.

her summer was bittersweet. sadie and her were reconnecting after acknowledging that they wouldn't be the same for a while. noah was always busy prepping for his junior year.

no one messaged her and she was fine with that. her heart still raced at the thought that he would text her.

she knew he wouldn't but old habits die hard.

so, when she was laying awake on a sleepless night and her phone lightly buzzed, she assumed it was something stupid noah had sent her.

millie almost didn't check her phone, but something inside her felt like she needed to see it.

she rolled over to turn on her phone and when she saw the name on the screen, her heart dropped.

she felt as if she couldn't breathe and she was shaking like crazy. it was all she had wanted for months, but it all felt too real.

she held herself, staring at the ceiling, her phone off to the side with one unread text.

3:45 am

so hey...
i'm moving to chicago for senior year. i leave soon and i felt weird not telling you.
i guess this is goodbye.
goodbye millie.

sorry this was shitty lol. i'm vv preoccupied.

this is the second to last chapter (i'm sorry but there's and epilogue!)

i have another story idea that i'm so excited to start once i get working on my other book (which you should read!!)

anyways, i love you all for reading this. i hope you have a great day/night

blm always

wear a fucking mask y'all.


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