The Day of the Doctor

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Peyton places the Tardis phone back in its box on the front of the door before waltzing back into the time machine where the Doctor was settling into a book by the stairs.

"You know," she hums. "I should become a teacher, I'd be great at teaching."

She had just got off the phone after leaving a message with the Coal Hill Secondary receptionist for Clara who wasn't picking up her phone, presumably because she was in the middle of an English lesson.

For almost three years now Clara has been travelling with the Doctor and Peyton, not for earth but for them. The animosity of the past behind them, Peyton had found herself considering Clara a friend, telling her more about her past, her adventures with Amy and Rory and about her father.

"Hmm?" The Doctor says not looking up from his book. "Yes. Of course. What would you teach? Physics? Math?"

Peyton pulls a face as she leans her forearms on the railing by where the Doctor is sitting, looking down at him. "I rather thought I'm more than qualified to teach history."

The Doctor laughs sarcastically. "Oh, are you going to tell them about the time you snogged Virginia Woolf? Or what about Charlie Chaplin? I could go on-"

"I was having a phase," Peyton interrupts staring daggers into the back of his head. "Any way, most of the time I was largely inebriated."

"Yeah," the Doctor chuckles softly, lowering his book for a second, making sure to leave a finger between the pages. "You and Amy would get so competitive about who could drink more and poor Rory had to sit you both down and give you a lecture on alcohol poisoning."

Peyton smiles sadly for a moment before jumping down the stairs to sit next to him. "What are you reading?"

• • •

The sound of a motorcycle horn causes Peyton to look up to the door, raising her hands in the air and clapping twice. Both doors fall inward and in the distance, she spots a figure on a bike racing toward them.

With a roar, the motercycle skids to a stop inches away from the console, its rider jumping off before pulling her helmet off and shaking out her hair.

"Draught," the Doctor, says almost boredly without looking up from his book.

With a snap of her gloved fingers, Clara closes the doors, the Tardis much more endeared to her than when she first jumped aboard the space ship.

"Fancy a week in Ancient Mesopotamia," the Doctor says, snapping his book shut and looking over his shoulder at the woman. "Followed by future Mars?"

"Will there be cocktails?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"On the moon," Peyton nods as the Doctor gets to his feet, pulling his glasses from his face and placing them in his pocket.

"The moon'll do."

"Haha!" The Doctor cheers, breaking character and racing up to Clara who meets him halfway as they embrace eachother in a tight hug. The Doctor lifts her up and spins her around, causing her to laugh even louder.

"Alright, alright," Peyton groans in a sarcastic voice. The Doctor places Clara on the ground again, letting her go so that she can wrap her arms around Peyton's neck too.

It has been a while since they've seen each other, Clara had requested a couple weeks to herself as she settled into the school.

"How's the new job?" The Doctor asks and Peyton and Clara seperate. "Teach anything good?"

"No," Clara sighs. She looks down to the book the Doctor was reading, discarded on the top step. "Learn anything?"

"Not a thing," he smiles.

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