The Lodger

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The TARDIS lands and Peyton bounces down to the doors.

"Hey!" The Doctor calls, catching up to her, placing his hand over her head and on the door so she can't open it. "Safety first."

Peyton scowls as he sticks his head outside, so she pushes him causing him to stumble out. The atmosphere would be breathable when he brought up the idea of coming here, what's the worst that could happen?

"Oi!" He shouts, a little offended. Peyton steps out behind him and looks around at the annoyingly mundane surroundings.

"Well, it's definitely not the fifth moon of Sinda Callista," says the Doctor. "I think I can see a Ryman's."

With a blast of force, Peyton and the Doctor are thrown forward onto the grass by the TARDIS. 

They both sit up and the Doctor screams. "Amy, Amy!"

"Amy!" Peyton yells as the TARDIS dematerialises in front of them.

"This is bad," the Doctor whispers.

"Yeah, no shit." Peyton rolls her eyes, hitting a pile of leaves on the ground with her hand. What are they supposed to do without the TARDIS? And will Amy be safe there by herself?

"Okay, don't panic," the Doctor says, jumping to his feet and looking around frantically.

"Great advice," she laughs sarcastically. "Where are we, when are we?"

"Essex?" The Doctors guesses, spinning around in a circle. He drops down and picks up a leaf before licking it. "2010."

"Charming," she rolls her eyes, getting to her feet. "Where's the TARDIS gone?"

"That's a very excellent question," the Doctor searches through his pockets for something. "Shout when you know the answer."

"What are you looking for?" Peyton frowns.

"These!" He laughs, pulling out two small objects and tossing one to her. "We should be able to sync them up to the TARDIS, just give me a minute though."

Peyton looks down at it. It's an earpiece with some Gallifreyan markings on it. She places it in her ear just so she doesn't lose it.

"It's getting late, we should find somewhere to crash for the night."

"Good thinking."

• • • 

The red door in front of them opens abruptly and a blonde-haired, slightly chubby man in a striped shirt steps out.

"I love you," he says.

"Well, that's good, 'cause we're your new lodgers," the Doctor smiles stupidly. "D'you know? This is going to be easier than I expected." He takes the keys with the fluffy tag that the man was holding.

"But I only put the advert up today, I didn't even put my address," he seems confused, but Peyton keeps an innocent face as they found the address written on a note above it, in Amy's handwriting no less.

She loves time travel.

"Well, aren't you lucky we came along? More lucky than you know."

Why does the Doctor always lead with these dramatic statements? It never does them much good, it mostly just annoys whoever they happen to be talking to.

"Less of a young professional, more of an ancient amateur," he says regarding something the advert said. "Well, I am, she's my apprentice."

"Hey!" Peyton grumbles.

"But frankly, we're an absolute dream."

"Hang on, mate, I don't know if I want you staying," the man shakes his head, clearly not coping with the amount of information that was being dumped on him. "And give me back those keys. You can't have those!"

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