In London #2

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"Come a long way since Demon's Run, then?" Rory laughs, brandishing his sword at Peyton in the backyard of the Pond's place.

"Well, the Doctor and I had some time to kill," Peyton smiles, twirling her sword artfully. "I decided I should learn."

"You kids don't have too much fun," Amy calls from the deck, sunglasses perched on her nose, drinking iced tea. "Peyton, if you kill my husband, I'm marrying you. Rory, if you kill my best friend, I'll kill you."

"Thanks, Amy," Rory looks over to his wife, lowering his sword and glaring at her.

"On your guard, Centurion," Peyton playfully jabs her sword in Rory's direction. "Hopefully after two thousand years, you haven't forgot all your moves."

"Oh, I have moves to spare," Rory lunges forward with his sword held high. Peyton lifts her blade to block his strike, holding her position defensively.

"Go, Peyton!" Amy cheers.

"Thanks, Ames," Rory sighs, still holding his position over Peyton.

"Lovely cheerleader, your wife," Peyton smirks. She ducks out from under the taller man and delivers a blow which quick footed Rory parries.

The two pace around each other waving their swords threateningly at one another.

"Let's be fair here," Rory says, twirling his blade and inspecting it. "I learnt how to fight in the first century, you probably learnt in some future, space... place. Completely different systems I bet."

"Fifteenth century, France actually," she tuts. "Joan of Arc fancied me."

"I bet she did."

"Will you both stop with the flirting?" Amy groans sarcastically. "Go back to swording."

Both Peyton and Rory look to with an equal glare the red-haired girl who shrugs innocently.

"Well, come on, Barrett," Rory looks her up and down. "Ostende mihi te movet."

Steel hits steel in the air between the part-time time travellers.

A strike, a parry, a block. The two dance around the garden with swords twirling through the air.

"Not bad, for an alien," Rory laughs when Peyton manages to hit him with the flat edge of her blade.

"Oh, shut up, grandpa," Peyton teases.

Rory strikes back, bringing his sword down overhead which Peyton blocks just in time.

The two Leadworth kids jump back into action until Rory has Peyton's back against the white fence, sword tip inches from her chest.

"Woohoo! Go Roranicus!" Amy claps.

"You can't change sides because I'm losing," Peyton throws a pissed off look toward Amy as she readjusts her grip on the hilt of her sword.

Rory backs off a little with pride in his eyes, big mistake.

Peyton crouches and lunges to kick Rory's feet out from underneath him, causing him to fall flat on his back with a yelp. Peyton straightens herself swiftly and knocks the sword from his hand before pointing her own down at his face.

"And this round goes to Peyton," Amy claps. The blonde-haired girl smiles down at Rory who still lays panting on the grass before tossing her sword to the ground and wipes her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand before extending it to help him up.

He takes it and he collects both swords before they walk up to the deck together.

"Look at you two," Amy sighs before pouring out two more glasses of iced tea. "Didn't think waving swords around was so much effort."

Rory and Peyton share a look of discontempt at Amy's ignorance. Peyton picks up her glass gratefully and falls into a deck chair beside Amy.

"How's the new job?" Amy asks, peering over her sunglasses at Peyton.

"It's interesting," Peyton says after taking a long sip of tea. She was told very explicitly that her position is classified but how was she supposed to not go and tell her two best friends immediately. "I mostly just get paid to sit around and correct people."

"To be fair, not every old human knows how to speak alien languages and take apart spaceships," Rory raises his eyebrows.

Peyton chuckles. "And you two?"

"It's alright," Amy shrugs. "I'm enjoying it."

"London Hospitals definitely are a lot busier that Royal Leadworth," Rory raises his eyebrows before taking a sip of tea. "But it's a good busy, great people."

Peyton smiles before quickly drinking her glass dry. "Another round, Centurion?"

"I'm not going easy on you this time," he warns, getting to his feet and grabbing the swords. "No more Mr Nice Guy."

He tosses Peyton's sword to her who catches it with a confident smile.

"Could you not throw swords around over me?" Amy complains.

Both Peyton and Rory scurry away guiltily and onto the lawn for another round.

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