Night Terrors

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When Peyton sees the image on the front page of the newspaper she bolts to Amy and Rory's place. Her spare key opens the door to find an empty apartment.


She called Mels to see if she'd heard from them. No answer.

She tries the Doctor's number, he never answers. She'd left him seventeen voicemails over the course of the last three months and without a word in reply.

This time, the call connects.

"This is the Doctor's phone," Peyton hears Rory's voice answer. She suddenly gets quite angry. The word 'Doctor' written in the fields, the Pond's house empty. She knows exactly what happened.

"Rory," she snaps. "It's me,"

"Oh... Hi, Peyton," he replies timidly.

"Why'd you go without me!" She shouts into the phone, crossing her free arm in front of her chest.

"Well, you said you were busy," Rory explains.

"What? If you had said you were going to create crop circles to call the Doctor I would have cancelled!"

"You can't cancel on your mum's birthday breakfast," Rory reasons.

"Shut up!"

"Right, Yep. Coming to get you now," he says.

Peyton hangs up and storms out of their house, locking the door behind her. They better have a bloody good excuse.

The beautiful blue box materialises in front of her on the pavement. She marches in and slams the door, glaring up at the three individuals up on the console landing.

"Why didn't you come get me?" She asks, standing at the bottom of the stairs with her hands on her hips

"Well, having a gun pointed at one's head sort of limits your ability to do these sorts of things," the Doctor says, flapping his hands.

"Wait, what?"

They explain to her the whole story.

Peyton can't believe it. Mels was River Song, that whole time. She grew up with her, one of her closest friends.

"So, are we all good?" The Doctor asks tentatively.

"I'll allow it," she says stiffly, not wanting to admit defeat. "But you could have made the situation more urgent," she points in Amy and Rory's direction.

"Won't happen again," Amy nods.

"Good, because we've got a distress call to chase," the Doctor claps before launching himself around the console.

"Huh?" Peyton blinks at how sudden it is.

"Someone needs us to fight some monsters," Rory says.

"Good thing that's our specialty," she smiles as she grips the console, ready to take flight

• • •

They wander out into the chilly air of East London and look around at their surroundings. It's night-time now, despite it being morning when she stepped aboard the time machine. A dishevelled, kind of dodgy looking apartment building stands in front of them, the smell of garbage hits her nostrils from the direction of what must be the bin collection area.

"No offence, Doctor-"

"Meaning the opposite?" The Doctor cuts Rory off.

"But we could get a bus somewhere like this."

"The exact opposite," the Doctor rebuts.

"Well, I suppose it can't all be planets and history and stuff, Rory," Peyton sighs.

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