Author's Note

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Hiya! So we've just finished another season of this story, one of the most intense and crazy arcs for Peyton ( far...)

Instead of leaping into series nine, I've decided to go back through what is already public and edit and rework to make it better. I won't be changing any plot details (so don't feel obligated to go back and re-read if you don't want to), just fixing horrific spelling and grammar issues, sprinkling in some foreshadowing for plot points I hadn't yet thought of at the time, and updating any awkward prose.

I am so thankful for the familiar faces I see pop up in my notifications each fortnight, you guys have re ignited my love and excitement for this story.

Some honourable mentions:


Peyton has been a part of my life since I was fourteen and this year I will be turning twenty-one. What started as a silly little self-insert oc has evolved into a whole rounded character so unbelievably different to myself and who is just as real to me as any other character in the show.

Enough with the sappy stuff. These updates will probably mess up the existing comments as I have been writing them on another platform and intend to just paste them into Wattpad and Ao3 so that's a bummer but unavoidable. Also, I have completed my rewrites for all of series five and a good chunk of series six so those are going swimmingly.

I have also given each series a name because it feels weird to talk about the first couple of chapters as series five so I've split the story up into arcs instead and they are as follows;

Series 5 - The Time Lord's Apprentice and the Cracks in Time
Series 6 - The Time Lord's Apprentice and the Cult of Silence
Series 7 part one- The Time Lord's Apprentice and the Fall
Series 7 part two - The Time Lord's Apprentice and the Impossible Girl
Series 8 - The Time Lord's Apprentice and the Sound of Drums
Series 9 - The Time Lord's Apprentice and the Prophecy of the Hybrid
Series 10 - The Time Lord's Apprentice and the Secrets of the Vault

As for Whittaker era plans, I do have some but I think it will be a sequel book as my series ten finale plans are very... final.

So with that, I thank you again for all your love, support, and hilarious comments.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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