Flesh and Stone

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He shoots the gun at the gravity globe and Peyton jumps as high as she can...

And she comes back down, landing on her side rather than her feet. She looks around and then hesitantly, up. How?

"What happened?" Amy asks, getting to her feet.

"We jumped," River looks around as she regains her bearings.

"Jumped where?" Amy is still confused.

"Up. Up, look up," the Doctor says.

"Where are we?" Amy asks.

"Exactly where we were," Peyton grins, the answer forming in her head.

"No, we're not," she argues.

"Move your feet," the Doctor orders Amy. "Peyton?"

Peyton crouches down with him and pulls out her sonic pen, scanning what seems to be a porthole. The green and blue lights mingle, and electronic buzzing fills the air. Just like he told her, she thinks 'open', and it's strange, she can almost feel the system locking her out.

"Doctor, what am I looking at? Explain." Amy demands.

"Oh, come on Amy, think!" The Doctor looks up at her. "The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah? So, what else is still on? The artificial gravity. One good jump and up we fell. Shot out the grav-globe to give us an updraft and here we are!"

"Doctor, the statues look more like Angels now," Octavian reports. Peyton stops what she's doing and looks up, or, down really, he's right, and they're climbing.

"They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage," the Doctor explains. "Draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour they'll be an army."

The hatch opens and the Doctor gives Peyton a reassuring pat on the back. But to ruin the good mood, one by one, the lights start to blow.

"They're taking out the lights," Octavian yells. More like Father Obvious.

"Look at them, look at the Angels," the Doctor instructs. Peyton looks up but it's no use. Every time the lights flicker, they advance, little by little. "Into the ship, now, quickly. All of you!"

"But how? Doctor!" Peyton yells as he jumps down into the hatch. She peers into the hole and realises he's standing sideways.

"It's just a corridor, the gravity orientates to the floor," he explains. "Now, in here, all of you, don't take your eyes off the Angels. Move, move, move!"

Peyton sits on the edge of the hole and dangles her legs through, hoping for the best, she pushes herself down and she soon finds herself crouching on the floor.

"See?" The Doctor shakes his head at her. "Come here," he ushers her over to him as Amy, River and the clerics jump down.

"Okay men, go, go, go!" Octavian orders. "The Angels, presumably they can jump too?" He asks the Doctor as he scans some sort of panel in the wall. The hatch closes, that must have been him.

"They're here, now," the Doctor looks at him darkly. "In the dark we're finished, run!" An alarm blares and the door at the end of the corridor closes.

"This whole place is a death trap!" Octavian yells.

"No, it's a time bomb," the Doctor argues. "Well, it's a death trap and a time bomb, and now it's a dead end. Nobody panic." He looks around the room, everyone looking at him expectantly. "Oh, just me then, what's through there?" He asks River.

"Secondary flight deck," she doesn't take her eyes off the hatch.

"Okay, we've basically run up the inside of a chimney, yeah?" Amy says sarcastically. "So, what if the gravity fails?"

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