Vincent and the Doctor

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Peyton walks around the Musée d'Orsay, clutching a pamphlet in her hands and looking up at all these beautiful paintings. It had been a week or so since Rory died. The reality still hasn't set in. The Doctor had tried to talk about it with her but it wasn't often when the two of them could have any time alone without Amy.

"Peyton, Doctor!" Amy waves them over and into the Van Gogh exhibit. It's crowded. Lots of people mill about, trying to get a look at the paintings. A tour guide lectures a crowd about painting as Peyton moves through the exhibit.

"Thanks for bringing me," Amy hits the Doctor with the end of her scarf.

"You're welcome," he shrugs. Ever since Amy lost her memories of Rory, the two Time Lord have been grieving, life, for Peyton, perhaps not the Doctor, will never be the same.

"You're being so nice to me, why?" Amy questions as Peyton and the Doctor move to look at the paintings.

"I'm always nice to you," the Doctor frowns, clearly offended.

Amy laughs. "Not like this. These places you're taking me, Arcadia, the Trojan Gardens, now this. I think it's suspicious."

"What? It's not. There's nothing to be suspicious about," Peyton says very quickly.

"Okay, I was joking. Why aren't you?"

The Doctor pretends to be very interested in the tour guide while Peyton walks off toward the Vincent Van Gogh exhibit. It hurts that she doesn't hurt. It hurts that Peyton has to grieve alone. She can't even go home and have a proper funeral for him. His parents don't know he ever existed.

Peyton comes across a church, a painting of a church obviously. She peers at it, something is definitely not right. "Doctor, Amy?" She calls.

"Look there it is, the actual one!" Amy squeals as she sees the painting her best friend is looking at, she bounds over with the Doctor in tow. She holds an image in her pamphlet up beside it, admiring the picture.

"Yes," the Doctor smiles. "You can almost feel his hand painting it right in front of you, carving the colours into shapes."

"But, look," Peyton gets their attention. "In the window."

"Well spotted, Peyton" the Doctor rests a hand on her shoulder, his eyes fixed on the painting.

"What?" Amy says, still confused.

"Something not good?" Peyton mumbles, studying the dark shape.

"Something very not good indeed," the Doctor adds.

"What thing very not good?"

"Look there, in the window of the church," he instructs.

"Is it a face?" She whispers horrified.

"Yes. And not a nice face. I know evil when I see it and I see it in that window," the Time Lord mutters. He turns and walks to the centre of the room, Peyton and Amy are quick to catch up.

"Excuse me, if I could just interrupt for one second. Sorry, everyone. Uh, routine inspection ministry of art and, artiness," he says flashing his psychic paper to the tour group and guide. "So, um..."

"Doctor Black," the tour guide nods.

"That's right. Do you know when that picture of the church was painted?"

"Ah, well. Ah, what an interesting question. Most people imagine-"

"I'm going to have to hurry you. When was it?"


"As exactly as you can without a long speech if possible. I'm in a hurry."

"Well, in that case, probably somewhere between the first and third of June."

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