Completely Infatuated (PruCan)

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"Maple syrup! For you!" Prussia exclaimed, holding out a bottle of maple syrup for a country known as Canada. "E-Eh‽ You can see me?" The transparent country exclaimed. Prussia gave a reassuring nod and continued trying to push the maple syrup onto him. Though, the only thing Canada was doing was thanking him profusely for noticing him. "Hey! You want the syrup or not? I know you're Canada, and I know Canadians like maple syrup."

Canada was still stunned by someone noticing him, his cheeks lit up in embarrassment as he had been staring at the former country for a bit. "I-I'm sorry, eh. No one has ever noticed me before, so you seeing me makes me happy." His shocked expression was replaced with a soft and cute smile. Prussia's face lit up ever so slightly with a red glowing tint. 

The two stared at each other, both staying quiet. Canada’s silence was more uncomfortable than Prussia’s as Prussia was just in a bit of trance. Snapping out of said trance Prussia shook his head, “Keseses! Can’t relate! It’s hard to miss someone as awesome as me!” He exclaimed loudly. Canada smiled smugly and let out a soft giggle. He held the maple syrup he was given a little closer to his chest and asked, “What makes you so awesome?” He asked, more as a joke than anything.

Prussia seemed to be slightly hurt by the comment though, which in turn made Canada feel a little bad. Despite meeting Prussia before the two never really spoke, making them practically strangers and yet, Canada felt bad.

“I’m sor-” Canada tried to apologize, but he was then cut off. “No need to apologize!” Prussia started, a new bright smile replacing his frown, “I know exactly what makes me awesome!” Annoyance and slight amusement filled the Canadian’s face. He was slightly upset that he had to spare emotional energy for the former country, but he was also rather captivated by Prussia’s sudden and swift change of emotion.

“I created Germany and totally raised him, all by myself! I also survived being beat up by Russia! And I can see you, which is pretty awesome in my opinion because you seem pretty awesome. I also,” He went on but Canada couldn’t get his focus on that last thing he said. Did Prussia really think Canada was awesome?

Canada stayed focussed on that, not only confused by the statement, but also a bit flustered by it. This was until Prussia snapped the boy out of his trance, "Are you even listening to my awesomeness anymore?" He asked, looking a little disappointed. Canada smiled nervously and nodded, "Y-Yeah! I am. I just- U-Um… Do you really think I'm awesome?" He stuttered out.

Prussia was a little taken aback by the question. His face warmed up as he realized how much his opinion meant to Canada. "Of course I do!" He exclaimed, sitting by Canada. "We may have not talked that often but that doesn't I don't think you're totally awesome!"

Canada laughed a bit, nervously. His cheeks warmed up more as he scooted a bit closer to Prussia. Their sides were pressing against each other, and as Prussia's face lit up more Canada looked up at him. "Thank you." He quietly spoke. Prussia didn't want to stammer again or even blush more than he already had been, so he decided to let out a hearty laugh. "J-Ja! You're welcome!" God dammit, he stuttered.

To try and combat his clear nervousness, he slapped Canada's shoulder making the maple moose boy wince. So fragile… Prussia removed his hand quickly upon hearing the wince and quickly apologized. "N-No. I'm okay."

"Well… Since I talked so much about myself… Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself." Prussia offered. Canada seemed shocked by the request and just nodded a bit. He started talking and Prussia listened 110%. He was, completely infatuated.

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