Sudden Sickness (Germanic Family)

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For @PeanutButterFroggo
Hope you enjoy :D

Switzerland placed the back of his hand on Liechtenstein's forehead. "I don't even think we need to check for a fever, she is burning up." He admitted, solemnly allowing his hand to fall to his side.

"Well that's concerning," Austria quipped, arms crossing, "How can a country become sick?"

Germany placed a finger to his chin, "I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the possibility of such an occasion, many times before I've seen Italy become sick. He's always recovered I think we just need to-"

Austria flicked his hand up, cutting Germany's sentiment short. "Well of course he has, that idiot can recover from anything." His eyes fell onto Liechtenstein again, letting his hand droop to his side, "Italy may be a rare case. But we haven't seen how illness could affect a real country. I say we do everything in our power to prevent it."

Germany tried to chime in, "Well I think-"

"Yes, I will call Prussia to help. He's been around a long time, he might be able to help." Switzerland also cut in with a quick stance.

"No I don't think…" Germany sighed, "Sure… Let's see if Prussia can help."

Though it seemed Prussia needed no calling at all as he burst through the door, bag in hand. "I heard somebody needed me!" He laughed, only to be bombarded by shushes by those who occupied the room.

Germany smiled at his brother, "Thank you for coming Prussia. Liechtenstein is sick and-"

"Uh duh I know Liechtenstein is sick. I am just totally super cool and awesome like that! I sensed it with my big brother powers! That's why I have this bag." Prussia grinned, setting the bag on a bed stand. He rustled through it, the others watching in anticipation, but that anticipation slowly morphed into some form of disgust as he unveiled several products. None of which seemed particularly helpful at the surface.

What he pulled out was nothing short of medieval. These 'remedies' spanned from a crucifix to a mason jar of leeches, where he got the latter being indescribable but incredibly disturbing. He arranged them in a way which was so obviously ordered which honestly would have made the ordeal funny if these so-called cures weren't as grotesque as they were.

"Woah! Woah! What do you plan on doing with those?" Switzerland barked, grabbing Prussia's wrist before he could do anything.

"Heal her. Like duhz Switzy. Just let the master work!" Prussia laughed heroically in reply, pulling his arm away.

Germany shook his head, "Look brother, why don't you go make the girl some soup first. We'll try your… Medicine… Ourselves."

"Good idea, I am the master chef after all!" Prussia stood up and chipperly walked out of the room.

Austria grabbed the crucifix that was sitting next to a bag of crystals and began waving it aggressively. "Begone demons!" He shouted, causing Switzerland to look at him with increasing worry.

There was a moment of silence that passed to see if anything had chnaged, and as nothing did, Switzerland crossed his arms. "Obviously that wasn't going to work, Glon. Let me try something."

Austria took a step aside and Switzerland began looking through what Prussia had brought. He settled on something just as effective as what Austria had chosen and began waving incense around and over top of his sister.

Germany sighed, he'd allow them to go through a few of the medicines. It would be a while before they reached the more dangerous cures anyways. So instead of watching their tomfoolery, he went to see Prussia's. The Prussian was sitting cross-legged on the counter as the stove next to him roared with fire. Panic instantly filled Germany's face as he put it out. "Dummkopf! What is wrong with you?!" He shouted, spraying the fire extinguisher over the fire.

"What? I was trying to cook soup like you said, it just didn't go right. We learn from our mistakes West." Prussia lectured like an older brother.

Germany's eyebrows furrowed and he tossed the fire extinguisher to the side, "Save your learning for after you put out the fire next time. Please." He sighed, crossing his arms.

"There won't be a next time because I've learned from my mistakes."

"Of course you have." Germany's eyes rolled as he took out Another can. "Let's try this again, together this time."

Prussia laughed, "Alright! Totally cool brother bonding time!"

It seemed as if Austria and Switzerland had been completely forgotten about by Germany in light of recent events. Which was almost a mistake as they had reached the blood-letting methods of saving Liechtenstein.

"I don't think we should be hurting her… That'd probably make things worse." Switzerland hummed, hovering a blade about her arm.

"Good point. Maybe instead we should do things that will make her more comfortable." Austria suggested.

Switzerland nodded rather fiercely, there was a strange passion in him that was absolutely determined to get his sister feeling better. And the two both seemed to already have an idea of what they had to do next. On her left sat Austria and on her right sat Switzerland, holding a hard-covered novel. He opened a book-marked page and began reading. Though, in his reading it seemed he was drifting off to sleep, and already asleep and slumped was Austria.

Switzerland's heavy eyes made slow movements around the room and he set the open boom against his chest, finally allowing for sleep to take over him after he placed an arm around Liechtenstein.

In the kitchen, Germany had finished the soup and now had prepared it on a tray to be brought to Liechtenstein. He walked to her room, Prussia trailing behind, and as the two saw their brothers resting next to their sister, they couldn't help but smile. Prussia set the bowl of soup off to the side, sitting on his knees next to the bed and resting his head on the mattress as he watched his siblings rest.

Germany came to his side and sat down as well, facing the wall away from the bed and leaning up against the mattress. His head fell back and his eyes fell shut as he fell asleep as well, and with his resting, Prussia decided to close his eyes and with that they all had been taken by sleep.

Later, Liechtenstein's eyes fluttered open. They gazed around her and as she saw her brother's, clearly worn out, yet still taking care of her, she felt loved. So, she closed her eyes and drifted back asleep with her brothers.

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