You'll Find Someone (FrUS)

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Thank you @BNHAVillians for the request!

Alfred hummed in boredom, laying back on his bed and fiddling around with a gadget Arthur had bought for him when he was younger. He turned on his side and decided to take out his phone. His eyes landed on a News article and began reading before then just turning off his phone and rolling around in his bed. He let out an obnoxious sigh, "Fuuuuck! I'm so boredddd!!!" He whined.

Just as he was complaining, Francis walked in. Instantly Francis began laughing at the boy's antics. As Alfred heard the roaring laughter he sat up. He then pouted a bit and crossed his arms. "Dad! You can't just walk in my room whenever you want!" The Frenchman just laughed and took a seat by Alfred. "I knocked but you didn't seem to answer. I was worried. Anyways, would you like to go shopping?" He offered.

Alfred, hearing this cure for his boredom, smiled brightly and nodded. "Hell yeah!" He cheered jumping up and going to fix his hair. His mind instantly went to the mall when hearing shopping, and from there his mind went to babes galore. So, he wanted to look his best.

"What're you getting all dolled up for?" Francis asked with a slight chuckle. Alfred looked over and swished his hair, his eyes going half-lidded and a smug grin forming on his face. "I'm totally gonna flirt with some chicks." He replied.

"Alfred, I say this as kindly as possible, but you honestly have no game and you suck at flirting." Francis sighed softly after warning. Alfred pouted more and put his hands on his hips. "Th-That's not true! ... Okay maybe it's a little true... Let's just go..." He muttered, feeling defeated. Francis frowned a bit and took Alfred shopping. Although trying to make the trip fun, Alfred still seemed to not be over Francis's comment.

It was nearing lunch and Francis offered taking Alfred to the food court which Alfred accepted. The two got their food and sat down. Alfred was shockingly quiet, so Francis decided to attack the issue at hand. "Alfred. Is what I said to you this morning making you sad?" Alfred quickly got defensive and shook his head.

"I-I- No! No way! It takes more than s-some criticism... T-To get me down..." He then just paused and sighed, giving a little nod to Francis. "I'm sorry Alfred. I don't think your terrible at flirting at all, I didn't mean to make you sad..." Francis spoke in a comforting tone, placing a hand on Alfred's.

"No.. Dad you were right. I can't flirt for shit. I haven't dated anyone my whole life. Everyone I confess to isn't interested. W-What if this is my whole life..? Wh-What if I'm al-alone forever? Wh-What if-" Francis shushed him softly and smiled comfortingly at him.

"Alfred, I know you won't be alone forever. Anyone would be lucky to be with you. You're smart, good-looking, generous, and most of all very, very sweet. You'll find someone someday, and when you do me and Arthur and Matthew will accept them." Francis assured him. Alfred smiled a bit, now calming down thanks to his Father's comforting tone.

"Thanks Dad.." Alfred thanked him quietly. Francis nodded a bit and kissed the boy's forehead, "You're welcome Alfred."

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