When Words Fail, Music Speaks

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Here it is at last @PeanutButterFroggo

Songs referenced -
https://youtu.be/uOdDzaJ4DnM (Cherry Valley)
https://youtu.be/3ZSyAcIS4fo (Clair de Lune (with vocals))
Fahrradsattel (https://youtu.be/ODkERmUh0hQ)


It had been the same repetitive day for years, and years, and years. Ludwig was 14, the youngest of his brothers, only being the elder to their shared youngest sister. Every day, their father, Burkhard, pushed them to their very limit. Not in studies like math or German, not even in classes of self-defense. No, they were pushed in music, specifically classical, orchestral. They were the Beilschmidts, gifted with a perfect tone, of course, because how else could children play such beautiful melodies. Conditioning is how, actually. Action, reaction, a whip of a belt, or a ruler, or any other hard object that could leave a mark, and they played beautifully. Even the tone deaf Ludwig, even the thin-skinned Basch, was forced to play the cello despite how much the strings hurt. It was almost as if their father enjoyed watching them suffer and struggle to play their instruments, helped no more by his added physical, verbal, and mental abuse. He pressured them to be the best, and to survive, they would have to please their father.

"Ludwig, in my office." Burkhard huffed.

Ludwig's head turned away from his violin, back towards his father who stood in the entrance of his room. "Yes Vati."

All of Ludwig's siblings were already gathered around their father's desk, and they seemed to be just as confused as Ludwig was for this sudden occasion. Then his face grimaced in realization, he checked the calendar on the wall, the date was just as he feared. They were to start preparing for the Fall Fair's Music Appreciation and Talent Contest. The time of year their father always worked them the hardest, and the time of year their father was always the most disappointed.

"Children, as you may know the Fall Fair is approaching," Burkhard started, and Ludwig saw as all his siblings grimaced in the same way as he did. "So, to prepare, we will be starting practice immediately. However, I feel as though I should take a different approach this year. I have brought your-"

In through the door bursted a white-haired who was quick to startle all of the children. "KESESESE! WHAZUPP BRUDER!" The man greeted enthusiastically, wrapping his arms around his brother in a hug. Bulkhard pushed away this man, who now was assumed to be the children's uncle, and fixed his hair. "This, Children, is your Onkel Gilbert. He's a very talented musician, but please do not allow his negative behavior to influence you too greatly."

Gilbert pouted, "You think I'm a bad influence?" He then grinned, "Well! You're half-right! I'm actually a horrible influence, Kids! Hang around me and you might start doing drugs or something! KESESESE!"

Bulkhard groaned, rubbing his temples. "Please calm yourself Gilbert… Children, we will be doing one-on-one studies this year, and due to how many of you there are I have enlisted Gilbert to assist me. Switching every day one of you will either train with me or Gilbert. Here are your schedules." Bulkhard handed Roderich a pile of papers, of which the boy handed quickly to his siblings. "That's all, you are excused. Just be sure you are on time for your practices tomorrow."

The siblings filed out of the room and chatted among themselves quietly about their long lost uncle.

"Well, I think he is rather uncouth." Roderich muttered, placing a hand on his hip.

Erika smiled softly, "I like him. He seems much kinder than Vati."

Basch placed a hand on his sister's shoulder, "You are so trusting, but I worry he's just covering up his true sadism…"

"Ja, he and father are brothers after all, they're probably just as bad as each other." Roderich agreed. "What do you think, Ludwig?"

Ludwig opened his mouth hesitantly, closing it. He wasn't sure what to say, "I-I…" He looked away nervously, "I'm not sure."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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