Chapter 11: Moving

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May woke up by hearing her phone go off, "hello?" In her sleepy voice "Are you two coming down?" That familiar turtle voice said. May eyes are wide open not forgetting about her dream. "Y-yeah, i just got up so let me get ready," May said, "You ok? You sound scared," the turtle said "I'm fine just woke up fast from a nightmare that all, see you all soon," May said before hang up on him. She choose to forget about the nightmare believing it would never happen.

On the way to the lair May told April what happen last night and even her nightmare. "Its just a nightmare, you know none of the turtles will go that low to do any of that stuff," April said she act like she not worry because what she told her ealier about they want May to live with them, she started to think this what this meeting about.

"They're here," Mikey said on his flying skateboard. May just smile and try to forget the nightmare as April did the same. "April nice to see you," Splinter said as April walk over to him as May not far behind. All turtles behind her, she could feel all their breaths on her neck. "Boys please wait in your bedrooms," Splinter said and the boys just left.
"The boys told me about last night and much I fear he might do it again but with more foot clans. They brought it up few weeks ago, it be easier on everyone if May live with us for awhile. While living here I will teach her like I taught the boys, homeschooling will be easier for her and if anything goes wrong I am here to keep her safe." Splinter look behind them seeing the boys shadows as they eavesdropping on them. "He will know where I be since he join the foot clan since they found you guys last time and you almost died," May said, "that might be true but we didn't know April talk to Eric, we train everyday to be prepared the next time they come at us," Donnie said little to loud. "Come in here boys," Splinter said to them. They all walk in and sit next to May and April. "You know what to do after this but question is why was you eavesdropping?" The boys look at each other but didnt say a word. May gave a confused look but went on, "how long a while?" May asked, "as long until feel like your not safe down here," Splinter said "Why cant I go with mom?" May asked April, "they know where she is since they get records of her fast like we can," Leo said. May look at Leo then back at Splinter. "We need to talk about it," April said, "I understand," Splinter said with a nod. May and April left the lair as Splinter look at the boys and they know what to do.

"Why not Dylans mom place? Dylan just live with his brother so only girls," May said "I never meet her or his brother so that a no. How about stay with them for awhile and during that time I can find another place for us to live," April said, "I dont want to live in the sewers, and a group with guys, you know guys at our age are more-" May was cut off when she saw covering her ears "I know! I don't want to think about it, but what else we going to do, what if Larry come back for you tonight?" April asked. May sit down on the couch, April sit next to her. "I dont want to move away from you, what if they kidnap you cause of me?" May asked as she look down, "I got you and the turtles on speed dail. Beside you be learning Ninjutsu so you can protect both of us better," April said but May didnt want to live with the turtles because of that stupid nightmare.
They heard a knock on their living door, April got up to look and there stood a man with a box. "Package for Ms. May O'Neil," the man said, April smile sign the paper and grab the box and shut the door. "You order something?" April asked as she sit the box next to May. "No," May said as she was confused. She open the box and there the same green Japanese dress from her dream with a note.
"To my future Sakura,
I hope you enjoy seeing me again last night. I knew I had to get you something from your family tree. I knew your favorite color is green like those nasty turtles who think they was saving you but darling, they hold you like a hostage. I be the one saving you from them. Hope you wear this next time we meet.
From; Larry" May read out, her hands started to shake. "That it you are moving with them tonight," April said as she went to May room to start packing. May walk to her "April this is the same dress from my dream," a tear roll down May face. "Keep it here, it just a nightmare, don't forget that," April said as she put her hands on May hands. May just nod at April and started to pack with her.

May woke up from a nap on the couch, "well good morning sleeping beauty," she heard, she look and saw Leo standing there. "Man, I must took a long nap after packing," May said as she stood up and slowly move to the kitchen as Leo follow her. "Think you guys help me move to the lair-" she was cut off when Leo reach for a cup for her. "We already done that, they outside just incase Larry show up tonight," Leo said, May fill up her cup with water and started drinking without known the fearless leader was watching her. Once she did notice he look away before he walk into her old room. Only thing left is her dressers, bed and the box with the dress in it. "April told us leave this box here and told us about your nightmare," Leo said as May walk in the room. Her eyes widen but Leo just smile at her "its just a nightmare, we would never do that even thought she didn't tell which turtle did it but who care right? Its just a nightmare, we will never hurt you," Leo said. May couldnt shake the nightmare because it continue when she took her nap. "Well lets go to the lair, so I can put up my stuff up," May said as she climb up to the roof where other three turtles was at. "Lets head home boys," Leo said as Mikey pick up May bridal style and care her home.

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