Chapter 1: Hidden Ninja Club

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May O'Neil is April little sister, they are so close that May move in with her sister when she move out of their parents house. Even though May gets into fights and win them all because her being different. Her eyes can turn blue to green when she mad, she known not to mess with and her nerdy friends. 
"May!" she heard behind her, she turn to she her dorky friend Levi, "hey, Levi what's up?" May asked as she walk to her locker. "We have a 'hidden ninja' meeting later after school at our secret hideout," Levi said with a wink. May rolled her eyes, "Ok, even though I'm not a hidden ninja or even a ninja." May wink back at him, he cross his eyes and stick his tongue out before running off to his locker. May friends are nerdy and childish sometimes but she love them like they are her family. Lucky for them this is the last class of the day, and May favorite class P.E.
She step inside the gym in her green gym clothes. Everyone look at her knowing today was dodgeball day and she will protect her team who ever pick her and her besties Larry, who also in the hidden ninja club. She make sure her team is lose if they split them up. "MAY!!!" she hard her friend cry for her. She ran only to see the bad boy of the school Dylan Jones picking on her bestie. She pull Dylan friends away and punch them, they notice her eyes are green so they took off running. Dylan smirk as he saw her, "leave him alone , Jones, you know what happen last time you hurt him," May threaten him, smirk turn to a smile. "I wasn't hurting him, I heard about this hidden ninja club him and levi talk about earlier today in class and I wanted to be in it," Dylan said, May rolled her eyes and punch Dylan and move him away from Larry. "No more room, I just join before class, soon he be getting the text," May said cross her arms. At that moment his text went off. "You really did join!" Larry said with happiness in his voice. Dylan smile fade away, "THERE STILL CAN BE MORE ROOM!" Dylan yelled, at that time the teacher came up behind him, "Jones, office now the rest start dodgeball," the gym teacher said. May help Larry up, she find him so cute with his harry potter glasses, he the really smart one of the nerdy friends, Levi is the goofy one, Liam is the leader of the hidden ninja club and somewhat of the group, May and him take turns until she gets mad then he had to lead. 
"Why does he want to join the club?" May asked Larry, "well....we found a better hide out where his group can't find us," Larry said, "O...k.... that still doesn't answer my question," May said as she started to stretch before the game, Larry started stretching also. "I think he wanted to know to trash it like he did the old one but jokes on him, you join and this not made out of a tent and twigs, that grade school hideout. We are teenagers so we need better to protect us from bullies like him," Larry said. "Well, you got me too, so that double," May said with a smile as they stood in line to get pick for dodgeball by the two kids that the gym teacher pick before he left with Dylan to the office. 

"Where are we going?" May asked as she ride on back of Larry bike as Levi was on his skateboard and Liam on his bike with red wagon on back with some of their stuff for the new hideout. "Right here the entrance," Levi said with a smile. May look and it just old sewer opening. "We found one the old office that they use to work in and we make it into our hideout," Liam said as he got off his bike. May hope off and walk next to Liam, "well let's go," May said as she started the entrance. Soon enough They lead May to the hide out, she tell they already been there bunch of time how clean it is and have some of their stuff already there. "Over here will be my lab," Larry said as he sit in a corner, "Here where we play video games," Levi said as he sit down and grab out his food storage with pizza rolls in it from his backpack. "Over here, my area and that can be your area," Laim said as he sit his stuff down. "Great, you know. I was thinking we should try out karate so you guy protect yourself and not hide from Dylan and his stupid friends so  I can like try to my own things like hang out with my sister more, she gone crazy over that stupid foot clan news but she get into trouble so I need to be there to bail her out," May said, the guys started laughing. "look at us, we can't be in that.... you can you the muscle of our group," Levi smiled at her. "Well now I know where it is, I'm going home, later" May said as she walk out and head to home.

May lay in her bed listening to songs on her phone, she notice her sister came home because April won't stop walking back and forth that fast when she think she got something on the foot clan. May turn to her side fear something is going to happen to her sister. May got out of bed and went to her sister room, only found her asleep. "Guess I should of came in here when she was walking around," May said low as she head to her room. Taylor walk out of the bathroom and bump into May. "Geez, watch where you going May, I don't have night vision like you," Taylor said as she walk toward her room using the walls. "Then get a flashlight," May said back toward her before she enter her own room. 
The next day at breakfast April skip and went to work, May just look at her eggs she made for herself. "Taylor, have April mention she in any danger?" May ask but Taylor just act like she not even there. May don't get why her sister wanted to roommate with her. May walk back to her room to pick out a dress for Mr. Sack big night. May really don't care about it but she agree to go with her sister and Vern to that with them. May like picking on Vern because he try his best to get with April but fails all the time. After pick a dress out, she grab a few things for her corner of the hidden ninja club hideout then headout that way. She smile knowing Larry going to love her corner when she gets done with it. 

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