Chapter 6: Firefly

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May look at herself after a nice shower, she was wearing a green dress that April got her last year for her birthday. She never thought she would be wearing it, but tonight was the night to celebrate for Dylan new job. May already talk to Vern and he said he help try to get her a job.
"Looking good, got a date tonight?" April asked, "no, me and Dylan going to celebrate for his new job thanks to Vern helping him get one. Oh and he also say he will help me get a job," May said, April gave her sister the look. "Let me guess, go to Vern cousin restaurant to 'check out' just incase you two have a double date?" April said with a question tone in her voice. "Yeah? Also celebrating for his new job," May said, "sweetie, he secretly set a date up with you," April said as she cross her arms. "Dylan? He not that....wait... that little punk," May was going to change into normal clothes but April stop her. "Just play along, beside that dress looks too cute on you," April said as she stood behind her sister looking in the mirror at each other. "Beside it might be fun, get your mind off of Eric and the foot clan," April said, "a date, fun? Ha, If I want a fun date, I date Michelangelo," May said as she went to curl her hair. April just smiled at her sister before she walk out of her room.

"Mr. Jones, table for two and Vern told us about this place," Dylan said as he waited for May. He was started to worry she stood him up, he had a crush on her since they first meet. He pick on Larry and them to get info about her but she always there protect them but since the whole Lily Stone thing happen. He was happy May started to hang out with him, he just wish he knew Sarah was Larry sister before the last date.
He heard the door open, he look and was shocked to see May dress up. Her red hair in curls, green dress that make your heart skip a beat and her make up that made her eyes pop out her blue eyes even more. May saw him and walk over to him, "sorry I'm late, April was giving me safety tips just incase the foot clan still around," May said, "you can protect yourself and if you can't handle them I'll be there for you," Dylan said.
After ordering and laughing so much, until Dylan phone went off. "Crap, I set alarm on my phone so I can go to bed early to get up early to be ready for work, guess we end this here. I had fun we should do this more often just us two," Dylan said, May look at him and couldn't believe her sister was right. "A toast of sodas to celebrate your new job," May said try to make seem not a date. They toast the last sips and went on home.

"Dang it, why did I wear high heels, I told April flats will work but no, these heels looks great with the dress," May curse herself on the way home. Some thugs walk up toward her, "hey there little red, walking home by yourself is not very safe," one of the thugs said, another one grab her arm, she turn and kick him. He let go and landed on his knees holding his stomach. "This kitty have claws, let declaw her," the same thug said. She had each one down and knock out, "I was going to help but I saw you had it under control," she turn around and saw Raph. "No one threaten me and get away with it," May said with a smile. "Looking good May," She heard Mikey jump behind her, May smiled. "This is rare, so take a picture it last longer," May said joking around but Mikey grab his phone "Raph take our picture," Mikey said. Raph look at May who rolled her eyes, Mikey stood next to her. Mikey arm around her shoulder as she place her hand on his chest and look at Raph, "fine but I get one next," Raph said. After the photos, they follow her home.
"Yo, Raph. I notice lately that you been following her home more, do you like her like I do?" Mikey asked, Raph eyes widen, truth all the turtles started to like her. "What!? No way, just thinking of her like a little sister. I don't want her get hurt," Raph said, Mikey watch as May enter her building. "You think she will like like me back?" Mikey asked, "I don't know, females emotions are confusing at this age," Raph said as he jump next to a man hole. "Goodnight my little firefly," Mikey said as he blew a kiss to May bedroom window before he just went into the manhole.
Raph look at his brother Mikey, as he walk past him in the lair. "Raphael, come and sit my son," Splinter said, Raphael tolled his eyes and sit next to his father. "Yes dad?" Raphael question his dad. "I know you been following May O'Neil with Mikey, one day she find out and never want to come back. She can handle herself, you don't have to act like protect big brother over her, I had the same talk with Leo and-" Raphael jump on his feet "Leo been following her!?" Raphael question his father, "yes but vow he never follow her again. Now tell Mikey I need to talk to him, I need to tell him to stop following her around too," Splinter said, Raph nod and got Mikey. "Dad need to talk to you," Raph said as he walk near the outer part of the lair. Leo notice and follow him. Raph knew Leo would follow him. He went on top of a roof looking toward May and April place.
"Raph, I know dad gave you the talk," Leo said as he stood behind him.
"Why you been following her?" Raph asked, "I wasn't following her, I was following you. Late nights walk, gone for hours sometime with Mikey. I follow past week and report it to Splitter, you gone crazy over May, does Mikey even know your in love with her?" Leo asked, "you rat me out toward our dad! Why this even matter to you? So what i grew feelings for her and Mikey comes along because he see me leave and ask what Im doing. I always tell him looking out for the foot clan because they might take May away. She strong for a human but not as strong as us, for the first time we meet she didnt scream at us in fear but she was ready to fight. I knew then she the one," Raph said as he sit down.
"We cant make her fall in love with us, so far that Dylan dude have more of a upper hand on us to win her heart," Leo said as he sit next to his brother looking toward the O'Neil's place.
"What happens the foot does come back for her? We never get to see her again," they heard behind them. When they both look and saw Mikey standing there. "How long you been there?" Raph asked, "long enough to know we all got a major crush on May," Mikey said "tonight no going out, May can handle herself. Beside April and May can call us anytime if they was in danger," Leo said as he stood up, "come on and lets go to bed," Leo said before he jump down next to the manhole. Mikey look at the building "night firefly," then he follow Leo, Raph just stare for a long time then went down the manhole.

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