"No,no,no I did not" i object. "It's way to soon for that"


"Well firstly I don't know if she is ready yet. She might not be comfortable and I am not going to pressure her. And secondly I don't want her to feel like a fuck girl because she absolutely is not. I want it to be intimate and meaningful. And thirdly" I smile.

"Your parents are here and these walls are very thin" i wink and jump off the counter.

Lara laughs "they wouldn't mind you know" she yells behind me as I walk away.

"I mind" i yell just as I walk out on the deck.

"You mind what honey?" My mom asks and all eyes are on me.

"Uhmm Lara wants to wake Naya up and she claims she wouldn't mind but I would" i say thinking fast.

Lara comes laughing out behind me. "Bullshit that is not what we were talking about"

I sigh and drop my head. Thanks Lara.

"Don't worry that can be our little secret" she winks before she sits next to Jared.

"What secret?" I hear Naya behind me.

Lara laughs and points her finger at me.

"Of course you would walk in at this specific moment" i laugh looking at her. Oh wow she is absolutely gorgeous. She is wearing a very short black short and a red shirt with het bikini underneath. She has a black cap on with her hair curling more than usual. It's probably from the braids but it look beautiful.

"It's nothing sis. Me and Alex were just talking about last night" Lara says and it's like she is trying to embarrass me.

"You told them?" Naya sighs walking closer.

"No I did not. Lara is being a little shit right now" i glare at her but she only laughs. I swear there are tears coming from her eyes. I can't help my smile at her. She is enjoying this too much.

"Can someone please tell us what's going on?" Her mother asks.

"You really didn't tell them?" Naya whispers to me.

"No I didn't." I say in a sweet smile.

Her smile becomes wider and she yells out. "We kissed"

I almost drop my glass as I jump. Wow I don't think the rest of America heard you. Her mother, father and sister meet her excitement jumping from their seats and running to her.

They all hug us. It was just a kiss I didn't ask her to marry me my gosh. Just imagine that day, oh yes I can see it. That will be the happiest day of my life for sure. Oh no wait our wedding day, or our wedding night. When I get to make love to her as my wife. That is going to be a great day.

"Alex" Naya snaps her fingers in front of me.

"Mmmh what?" I shake my head, seeing I am holding onto the railing at the steps at the end of the deck. How did I get here? That is scary.

"Where did you go?" She asks. Everyone has gone back to their seat or inside. I didn't even see that happening.

Oh shit, what now?  "Uhhmm nowhere" i smile feeling my cheeks flare up. She puts her hands on my hips and that makes it even worse.

"Tell me" she whispers now pressing her body against mine keeping her face only inches away from me. She is teasing me and she is fucking good at it.

"No, it's a bit inappropriate. I don't think you could handle it" i smirk. At least I didn't lie. She can't know that I was thinking about having sex with her on our wedding night.

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