Espionage and The Lone Soul

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Hello everyone, time for a new chapter. Last chapter was a beach episode in essence.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's been a few days since the rescue mission for Ping Hai and Ning Hai. I heard they were selling food culturally from the Dragon Empery, Aka Chinese food. I'm in my office at the moment, thinking about what had to be done, I was reminded of when Akagi and Kaga attacked the base and the corrupted wisdom cube Akagi was holding.

"That cube....How did Akagi get that?..." I question to myself "I need to send a mission out for it"

I then hear a knock at the door before the door opens and I see Belfast with a tray in hand with a assortment of things on it "Master, I've brought you some tea and sandwiches for lunch" Belfast says before setting the tray on my desk.

"Thank you Belfast, How has Enterprise been coming along?" I ask her.

"She's been putting up some resistance but I have had her under control. I heard from Vestal that roughly 50% of the repairs on Enterprise's ship has been done" Belfast tells me.

"That's good to know, her habits as of late have been unhealthy" I say.

"Speaking of health, when is the last time that you have relieved yourself" Belfast asks me directly.

"Relieved myself? Are you asking me the last time I've masturbated?" I question.

"That is one way to put it" She says.

"Why does it matter?" I ask her.

"As your head maid and head maid of the Royal Navy, I must make sure that you, Commander, have a clean bill of health and is tended to" Belfast answers me on a dime.

"What if I don't want to answer you?" I question.

"Then I must resort to other actions" She tells me.

"So you won't stop no matter what, will you?" I say.

"That is correct"

I grumble internally "This woman...why does she have to be so persistent sometimes"

"Fine I give, it's been a few months" I tell her.

"As head maid, please let me relieve you master?" Belfast says with out a single shred of hesitation.

"It's not like I have a choice, if I say no she'll most likely force herself on me like last time..."

"Go ahead, and make it quick" I state.

I watched as Belfast walked around to the back of my desk, I could tell that internally she was smiling in victory. Belfast walks up to me an leans over and kisses me and teases me with her tongue, trying to see if I'll take her bait. I took her bait and ran with it, I put my left hand in the back of her head and put my tongue in her mouth. She happily accepted it as her trap had worked, however, it also failed as I completely dominated over her. After a bit, I let go and she pulls away.

"Thank you for allowing me to service you today master~" She whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek.

Belfast then gets on her knees and unbuckles my belt then pulls my pants down a bit. She then pulls down the front of my underwear just a bit ant pulls out my semi erect cock. Belfast takes her gloves off then lays her soft hands on my cock, gently motioning her hands up and down its length as she made it stiffen. Once my cock was completely hard, Belfast keeps one hand on my cock as she uses the other to move her bangs out of the way. Belfast proceeds to lean over my cock and lowers her mouth over my stiff cock. She licked up and down the length of it, slowly pleasuring me. I knew Belfast enough to know she's doing this for more then just 'my health'. Belfast was good at hiding her desires, and now she was using her duties as head maid as an excuse to express her desires. I saw as Belfast used her free hand to massage in between her thighs, moaning just slightly as she relieved me.

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