Chapter 14

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"I'm starting to like you, (y/n)."

'(y/n)?' All Might heard your name and those lines, he followed where the noise had come and it lead to there. He didn't hear a reply so he looked, his heart shattered.

He walked away, only starting to get extremely jealous. He punched a wall extremely wall as he walked away, only deciding to be an adult and figure out how he'll deal with this.


Toshinori had so many emotions running through his heart. Jealousy. Anger. Sadness. After hearing that, witnessing the hot headed blonde confess to you as such, you on his lap. God how it hurt.

'Why? Must you stray away from me?'


Lunch was over and you were still sleeping. Exhaustion had crossed over you and you do not know as to why, but Bakugo picked you up with care and took you back to class.

As he enters the class, his classmates look in awe.

"Got a soft spot to you, eh?" Todoroki teased.

"Suck my dick." He responded.

They laughed it off, Midoriya smiled at him. 'How adorable.' He thought. Midoriya left you alone and class resumed as usual and things went as proceeded.


The school day had ended and you woke up to the feeling of someone poking you.

"Wake up..(y/n).. It's time to goooo..." Midoriya was trying his hardest not to hurt you due to your fragile figure and how small you were.

You awoke from your slumber and stretched then changed back into yourself.

"Let's go! I'm really hungry!" You smiled at him, you felt eyes on you. A presence lingering somewhere, so you looked, you saw Toshinori, you looked at him and smiled however your eyes having met, he turned around and walked away.

"Weird." You said.

"Huh?" Izuku wondered.


'You were supposed to be an adult! An adult doesn't have a tantrum! An adult isn't passive aggresive like that but holy SHIT I got so jealous, so sad, I should communicate, yes! That's the right thing to do... I can't stand it never mind, I'll wait until the right moment or when she notices that I am completely off, yes! No! Fuck! I can't make up my mind! I need to relax.' Toshinori sat there, his leg fidgeting and biting his nail, everybody knew something was wrong but obviously, nobody would ask.


Having gone home, you had sat there and questioned why did Toshinori act the way he did? He normally would be expressing his happiness towards you, he's a very affectionate person but now he was so cold. He never acted that way before, it was alarming. Did you do something? Did you say something? What is happening? Why?

Your thoughts had been interrupted by Inko,

"What's wrong, dear?"

She had sat down next to you, a look of worry on her face, you truly loved her like a mother and seeing her in any form of distress always stressed you out, but you always wanted her to to know the truth.

"I've been seeing this 'guy' and today I had smiled at him and he just totally blew me off, well he just made eye contact then didn't smile back and it hurt a lot!" You pouted.

"Honey," she smiled, "I'm sure if you talk to him about it soon he'll have an answer for you, just don't be immature and run away from it because TRUST ME, it's not gonna work at all."

You smiled at her and hugged her, "Thank's Inko, i'm gonna go see what's up right now."

You set off, running to his apartment. You changed into a snake and slithered inside his home through the window and there he was on his sofa, the TV on and him lost in thought.

"Why won't you talk to me?" You asked, startling him.

"W-what? I don't know what you're talking about..?"

"You made eye contact with me and totally looked away even after I smiled, I felt so ignored and it hurt me! Why would you do that? It's not like you to do that!" You sat down on the sofa and looked at him. He clearly had something to say.

"Says you! Having Bakugou confess to you and not telling me about it!" He crossed his arms, his voice slowly rising.

"What are you talking about??" You asked, you were in total shock from that response considering Bakugou is a piece of shit towards people. You tried to see the best in him but sometimes people just don't know how to act.

"He confessed to you! You were on his lap as a cat and he told you he liked you and you didn't even respond, not only that but the fact he confessed while you were on his lap hurts! It was like you're comfortable around him already and are okay being vulnerable to anything!"

You sighed, and grabbed his hand.

"It's okay, Toshinori. I'm all yours and I don't even remember that, I was asleep!"

A large grin showed up on his face.

"Repeat that first line." His face inched closer.

"It's okay?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"No no the other thing."

"You're a big baby?"

"Ha ha. Very funny. No! The other thing!" His grip on your hand tightened. You smiled and laughed.

"I'm all yours."

He jumped up from the sofa and picked you up and spun you around, those words fill him with motivation and happiness. He could already hear the wedding bells and the vows and, oh! How his heart was full of delight and love.

"Also, please make sure Young Midoriya rests up. I overheard the test that Aizawa is doing and he's going to need a lot of rest since I've done lots of training with him!"

You nod, and before leaving you give him a very messy kiss and a little lick on his neck. He gets flustered and puts his hand on the place you licked him, all while getting an interesting surprise in his pants.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day.


Hello readers! I apologize for being gone FOREVER. I had writers block, then this pandemic also got in the way. Please stay safe and make sure to wear masks during outings and wash your hands, social distancing is important too! Now a question for all of you:

If you had a nickname for All Might, what would it be?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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