Chapter 10

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All Might aimed for you, his fist full of power. He was expecting your dragon form to be there when his fist and your face connected, but what came was unexpected.

"My my you are a vulgar one. You're making me use more energy that I need to." She pushed you off and suddenly snapped her fingers.

'One day we'll get along.' You smirked, then a light was starting to invade the form, realizing what was happening you just now you were about to die.

'If you walk out alive, I'll accept that offer.'

You chuckled, your hair covering your face, the bruises of the chains, you only smiled.

The sound of bones crushing filled the area, as well the sound of All Might's deadly punch. His eyes widened as he saw your face being hit by him, then being sent flying into the water. He landed on his feet, only looking at his hand and falling to his knees. Midoriya and Bakugo with their jaws open, ran towards you where you landed, and there your body was floating upwards but slowly sinking once again.

'I'm dying, after all these years, someone finally actually killed me.' Your body was starting to get cold due to hypothermia, but All Might's voice rang in your head. 'I love you!' again, 'I love you!' this time louder 'I love you!'

"He actually loves you." You opened your eyes and got up, you were on water but standing on it, and facing you was.. Her. She had changed to her true form.

The 'her' you were speaking about was a woman that you've seen around in your dreams, she'd been telling you threats that she'll take over your body.

She wore a black dress with yellow abstract shapes, her hair extremely long brown that ends to her knees, she had bloodthirsty red eyes that often changed colors.

"What do you want?" You sighed getting up.

"I'm gonna heal you."

"Why? You always threaten me that my body won't be mine anymore that you would've stolen everything."

She laughed, "You're a challenge for a succubus like me, my love, you're the host that keeps me living, where would I go if you died?"

"I don't know, hell, with me."

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair before swaying her hips, "We'll get along, my powers will intertwine with yours like two tongues dancing together as they lustfully kiss. Until then, (y/n), and don't die."

You awoke, still floating but you can hear voices and helicopters. You shot up and starting to freak out, but a sudden courage swept your body. News reporters shouting at your awakening, you stood up. Now if you were on the ground that would be normal but you were on water.

Your hair strangely looking a lot like hers, as you were thinking of her she spoke up.

"By the way, my name is Alexandra."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in, as that was happening your appearance changed. Your hair grew long, horns were growing out of your head, fangs were starting to take form, your left eye turning white, your body was well, turning different too. Your damaged eyeopening, suddenly people felt like a force was holding them down. The pain of the change of your body caused you to start screaming, grabbing your head in sheer pain you only screamed louder. Then again light escaped your eyes and mouth, you levitated. All Might and Midoriya were freaking out, whether you'd go on a rampage or not. Suddenly you stopped and dropped down on the water, not sinking but laying on it.

People pointing at you, you got up and looked at them, you looked scary and intimidating to them.

'Shouldn't we just kill these people? Look at those looks they're giving you.'

You sighed and ran your fingers through your long hair. 'Let's just scare them, I have a sudden itch to do that, now I wanna scratch it a bit.'

You jumped high in the sky before landing very close to shore, causing a splash. People were screaming as the water hit them. All Might and Midoriya saw you, and noticed your eye was open, they gasped before everyone was pushed down.

You smirked, All Might and Midoriya managed to lift their heads up and look at you. They felt a rush of evil, or that's what they thought. All Might took a closer look at you, blushing at how much more mature you look.

As you were about to let everyone go there was someone in the crowd, he looked awfully familiar but you couldn't snap the fragment from your mind.

You put your hand up and the pressure was released, you walked to Midoriya before grabbing him in your arms and hugging him.

"I'm sorry."

He only smiled and rubbed your back. "Let's go home, I have the entrance exam tomorrow."

You let go of him before turning to All Might. "Thank you." You smiled before winking at the beet red man. He only gave you a smile before saying he had to go.

You walked home with Midoriya, only to be greeted with a worried Inko running at the both of you before hugging you two.

"Where have you been?! I was worried!"


"What he said."

"(y/n) you look different."

"Yeah sorry. If it makes you feel better I'm not used to it either."

She gave you a hard whack behind your head before pulling you into another embrace.

"You're apart of the family now, don't you dare worry me like that again."

"Yes, mom." 

(Toshinori Yagi x Reader) I Promise.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora