Chapter 8

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You feel the wind blowing along your body, the grass tickling your neck. You feel a sudden touch on your body, someone was rubbing their fingers along your abdomen and going up reaching your neck. You felt nude, and exposed, a feeling someone with pride or anyone at that matter never liked. You were sweating, and in tears, for whatever reason, you were having a dream that you couldn't escape.

"(y/n)?" A voice echoed inside your head, normally you don't have dreams, you've practiced to clear your mind and be in touch with yourself but your "higher self" never really told you anything, just possibilities and who you were before this state.

"(y/n), wake up. It's a dream and someone is coming for you."

You were in tears, you were afraid, and you were really on the brink of a stage nobody really knew about.

"Oi! Have you seen (y/n)?" Bakugo ran right as he saw Midoriya. "No, where is she?"

Bakugo was worried, he just doesn't admit it cause he's a child, a pure little child. Midoriya was sweating and shaking, (y/n) is gone, she's supposed to be with All Might but after getting the message he began freaking out.

"(y/n) is gone! Find her! I'll be on the lookout!"

Where oh where could have that little dummy run off too? She's hurt and vulnerable, it's completely insane.

'Shit shit shit shit, where are you (y/n)? I need answers, you are an actual historic legend and you're here. How are you alive?'

All Might had just been walking when he felt something, it was a gust of power that was coming from a cliff nearby. That little rush of power blinded him, only to see (y/n), but it wasn't her. Who was she?

"Help (y/n) now, she's in trouble and if YOU don't go settle her down she'll go on a dream rampage."

All Might was confused but dropped what he had been holding and leaped off. He contacted Midoriya, who clearly knows where she is, so he gave her exact directions.

"Let's go. I know where she is, she isn't far but you have to keep calm." Midoriya told Bakugo and he nodded, as they both ran off to the exact location (y/n) wasn't getting any better.

You felt the eyes looking down at your body, you were tied up, scratches and burns located all over your stomach, all down to your feet. You felt the hot fire and remembered the hot metal, the extremely hot metal branding your body like cattle. You were fidgeting, you were kicking, you were screaming and biting.

It all came to you, you remembered this was after the events from your childhood, this was what happened to you. Suddenly feeling your clothes being stripped away, the very last piece of clothing covering your very pride and dignity.

You screamed, and screamed, you opened your eyes only for them to be covered in red, your mouth wide open as a red light surged right through. Your body changing, people gasping, people staring in complete shock and fear.

You could only know very little about what was happening with your body, you felt like you were hovering but yet you were creating such a noise that could swallow the entire city.

A loud noise pierced the ears of Midoriya, All Might, and Bakugo turned to the sound and only saw a large figure that looked extremely like a fantasy creature.

"Much more crap to come up just before the big day." Bakugo chuckled.

"That's a mother fuckin' dragon dude."


I've returned, I know a lot of things have happened which is why this damn story will be updated frequently.

(Toshinori Yagi x Reader) I Promise.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin