Chapter 11

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It's been a couple days since chaos went down, you were still very exhausted. It was also the day of the entrance exams. You were going to hide in Midoriya's pocket but you were debating whether you should, soon deciding not to.

"(Y/n)! Please wish me luck!" He walked out the door smiling. You stayed home with Inko for her sanity, she was shaking and ready to sob.

"My baby!"

"No Inko, he'll be able to do it." You hugged her and took her to the TV.

You felt her heart rate calm down, and she soon started playing with your hair.

"(Y/n) let me do a braid! Let me add some flowers to your hair too!"

You hated doing that but soon felt happy, it was like the mother's touch, the touch you haven't felt in so long.

She made you feel better about nearly everything, your hair was soon starting to turn into a flower bed that had beautiful braids.

"I've wanted a daughter to teach her amazing things, to do this and talk to her about anything. I got Izuku and I still love doing it, it's just his hair isn't long so no braids but I can show him all the love."

You felt so happy but soon wanted to cry, you were an outcast but now living with a child that studies under All Might, a child with a mother who keeps you as her own.

"Inko, why didn't you call Child Protective Services?"

"Because Izuku never brought anything to the house without keeping it. He'd cherish it till he loses it or it dies."

You didn't hear the last part because her touch was so magical you had fallen asleep right away.


"(y/n)?" Inko asked concerned, she looked down only to see (y/n) fast asleep on her lap. She looked so comfortable that she didn't want to wake her up so she fell asleep as well. Only to hear the phone ring about and injured Midoriya from the entrance exams.

Inko heard the doorbell ring only to see Midoriya safe and sound.

Midoriya had a big smile on his face, a glimmer but sight worry in his eyes. She only cared about his well being.

Inko wrapped her hands around Midoriya and only cried.

Many things happened at the exams Midoriya wanted to tell you right away but seeing you asleep he couldn't.

Though he was excited to tell you about using his new quirk and saving a girl from death.


Awaking on the sofa with an aching neck you looked around, your memory coming back to you. You jumped and ran straight towards Midoriya's room, you almost felt yourself cry. He was okay.

You woke him up by giving him a very hard hug, he was out of breath and didn't realize that he was gonna possibly die if you continue to keep him in a tight embrace.

He patted your back trying to indicate that the hug was going on long enough.

You pulled away and looked at him, he had a big grin on his face and you were so ready for the story that was about to be told.

"I finally used One For All to save this girl, it was a huge machine robot-thing that was gonna actually kill her! It's just I ended up with broken bones, but I'm healed and everything turned out well!" He had a glimmer in his eyes and you could only laugh, aside from the fact he has 0 points but you know something good will happen to him.

"Sounds tough, say, was she cute?" You were hinting towards them dating but he'd probably be too flustered to date a single soul, the poor child has seen too much.

"I can't quite remember her.."


You smirked and brushed it off. His face was red as he remembered her face, he began daydreaming.

You let him be, he had a tough fight and really needs to get his mental state back on track.

You grabbed a book and sat down, it was an erotica book, you realized too late as things were getting heated. Being drawn into the story you never really understood sexual intercourse.

You knew basic human anatomy for both genders, but the thing is the sex. What was so important about it?

Midoriya snapped his fingers taking your attention away from your thoughts.

"All Might wanted me to tell you he wants to talk to you near the cliff where that incident happened. He said he'll be there every day till 10 till you go."

Looking at the time it was 9:12, you put on some sweatpants and a tank top with your jacket, closing the door you left.

"Get's so dark easily, was I really that sleep deprived?" Two different things said you confused yourself.

You saw familiar blonde hair, it was him.

"Oi." You said softly, but loud enough for him to hear. He looked at you.

An awkward stare, only for him to pull you into a hug. Life was giving you so many things, a mother's warmth after so long and now a hug from someone you love.

'Oh-ho? Will I get to see some hot action?'


Breaking from the hug, All Might looked at you before a sudden warmth on your lips was felt.

"Daisuke, (y/n)."

(Toshinori Yagi x Reader) I Promise.Where stories live. Discover now