| The Murder and the Sympathy |

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The rest of that day was spent entertaining Rosie and talking with John, until John decided to go up his room. His ankle was feeling better by then, though Sherlock still helped him up. Rosie went to bed, and then Sherlock began pondering the case.

He had a few ideas, though none could be confirmed just then — probably not even if he looked in the house more. He suspected there wouldn't be any more evidence to be found in there; something else would have to come to light.

This morning, something does.

"There's been a murder at Wintermere Hall. Figured that would interest you," Lestrade says over the phone.

Sherlock smiles. "I'll be there."

"I'm heading over now."

Sherlock hangs up, then runs up the stairs to John's room, where the latter is sitting up in bed, on his phone. "John," Sherlock says, "there's been a murder at Wintermere Hall. Come on, there's no time to waste."

"Hold on, hold on — a murder at Wintermere?" John asks. "Who was it?"

Sherlock waves this aside. "I don't know, Lestrade didn't say. Come on."

"Sherlock, I can't go anywhere, in case you've forgotten."

"Just take some pain meds and wrap your ankle — let's go."

"I'm not running around with a sprained ankle."

"Go get your cane; that's around here somewhere, isn't it?"

John rolls his eyes. "Sherlock, my entire body is aching, and my ankle is the worst part. I can stay here with Rosie if you help me down the stairs, but I'm not chasing a murderer any time soon."

Sherlock scrutinizes him for a moment, then says, "You're still afraid of bats, aren't you?"

"No! I'm in pain, Sherlock!"

Sherlock frowns. "But I can't go by myself."

"You're gonna have to," John replies, shrugging, obviously void of sympathy.

"I can't. I need someone to talk to, I need an assistant at least."

"Well, is Molly free?"

Sherlock shakes his head. "Even if she is, she wouldn't go with me. Not after last time." John raises a brow at this, so Sherlock elaborates. "After I revealed that I faked my death and you wanted nothing to do with me, she went with me on a case. I kept calling her John. Even I know that was not a good day for her."

"What about Lestrade?"

"He already has a role; he can't be my assistant, too."

John shakes his head, half-laughing. "Well, then, you're out of luck."

Sherlock groans. "Just come on. We can take Rosie down to Lily-"

"I am not asking her to babysit again. She's done enough for us," John replies.

But Sherlock gets an idea. "I'll ask her."

"Sherlock, no-"

"No, no, I'll ask her to go with me."

John looks at him skeptically. "You're going to ask her to go to a crime scene with you?"

Sherlock shrugs. "Yes. Why not?" She's obviously fond of helping other people, and coming with him would be helping him. And, really, he has no other options.

"Does Lily really seem like the type of person to want to go to a crime scene?" John asks.

"It's only one time," Sherlock says, his mind already set. He turns to go.

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