| The Crumbs and the Yard |

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Lily walks back in from the garden, dirt on her clothes and probably in her hair, finding Sherlock standing in front of her door. "Did you solve it?" she asks.

"I believe so," he says. "The box of ears wasn't meant for Susan. It was meant for her sister."  He explains everything to Lily — Sarah, the divorce, Italy. He also affirms that Michael must be the guilty party. "We're waiting now, for the Italian police to find Sarah."

"Do you think Michael will go after her? Or do you just want to question her?" Lily asks, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

"Possibly. She posted her location on Facebook. I assume Michael would be able to see that." He shrugs. "Social Media isn't... something I'm involved in."

Lily remembers her account that hasn't been posted on in nearly five months. "Me either." Pinterest is about all she uses, for recipes and decoration ideas.

"In any case, yes, I do want to talk to her. Perhaps she would know where Michael is if he isn't going after her."

Lily shakes her head. Two people are dead and... for what? Revenge? Clearly he did it because Sarah ruined his marriage. A thought occurs to Lily. "What about Susan's ex boyfriend? Would he know anything, you think?"

Sherlock shrugs. "Maybe. Maybe not. Lestrade couldn't find him, anyway. If anything I would've wanted to talk to him to find Sarah, but with her post I don't see how that's necessary. He doesn't seem like someone Michael would disclose his location to."

"So he just... destroyed a marriage and disappeared?"

"Well, Susan certainly wants nothing to do with him."

"That's true," Lily says. She sighs. "Well, on a happier note I think I'm going to bake something today. Any requests?"

Sherlock's eyes alight and he begins shifting in excitement as he thinks. "I do believe Rosie would enjoy having brownies again."

Lily laughs. "Just Rosie?"

"John, too, probably."

"Ah, okay. That makes sense. I'll get right on that."

"They will definitely appreciate it."

She unlocks her door, smiling as he backs towards the stairs. "See you later, Sherlock."

He nods, a bit awkwardly. "See you later... Lily."

A warmth grows in her chest at the little song, the two syllables that no one else says quite like that. She ducks into her flat, hoping he hasn't discerned just how much she loves it.

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By the time Lily arrives at 221B with brownies, Lestrade is calling Sherlock, who grabs a brownie to eat while Lestrade talks. "They found Sarah and Michael. Apparently he had managed to find her not long before the police did. They're sending them both back, should be here and ready for questioning by tomorrow afternoon."

"I'll be there," Sherlock replies, through a mouthful of brownie.

"Are you actually eating in the middle of a case?" Lestrade asks.

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