'Hey Jesse,' Aaron said quietly. 'Where are you too going?' He asked.

'Were off riding. You wanna come?' He asked. Amy looked at Aaron. He sighed and nodded.

'So were are the horses?' I asked. Aaron and Amy walked off behind the house.

'There at the back. Its about five minuets walk. Come on.' He tugged on my arm. We walked to the barn. It was a big red, old fashioned barn. It was all unlocked. I walked in and sawabout five stalls on each side.

'Wow! I didn't know you had a stable.' I exclaimed.

'Yeah. Come and choose a horse.' He walked over to a stall. I looked at the horses. There was a white horse with brown spots on, a chesnut one, a black one. They were all so beautiful.

'Can I have this one?' I pointed to a plain white horse. She wasn't tall but not too small. I looked to Jesse. He nodded and opened the pen. He walked in and saddled the horse and the other one in the stall. It was a black and brown horse.

'Hop up.' Jesse gestured to the horse. My eyes widened and I was worried.

'How am I supposed to get on?'

'Its easy. Put your foot in the sturrip and hop over.' I walked over slowly. I managed to do it first time. I was pretty proud. Jesse did it efforlessly.

'Tap gentley to go forward, tap again to go faster, pull the reins to stop or slow down.' Jesse kicked and walked slowly. I followed.

'AMY! AARON!' Jesse called. There was some fumbling and feet scruffing on the floor. There heads apeared around the stall. 'hmmmm.' I giggled.

'Come on. Lets set off. You two catch up.' He kicked off and rode out of the barn. I followed closely. We got to a field.

'Can I go?' I asked. Jesse smiled and nodded. I kicked three times and the horse set off. galloping off in any direction. I stopped when I came to a pond. It looked so beautiful. The water was clear. I climbed off my horse and walked towards it. I sat down by the edge. I took my shoes off and dipped my feet off.

'Its beautiful isn't it?' Jesse asked. He was stood behind me.

'Wanna swim?' I asked. I raised an eyebrow at me.

'We don't have swimsuits.' He said a little confused.

'We're already wearing them.' I told him.

'Our underwear?' I gave him the duh look. I smiled 'Okay.' I undid my buttons on my jeans. I wiggled them down and tuck my vest top off. My bright pink bra and matching underwear. Jesse whistled. I looked at him. He was in his boxers.

'Nice underwear.' He commited. I looked down to his boxers.

'Homer Simpsons?' I asked. He turned away from me and I let out a giggle. 'You coming?' I asked. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him in. The water was cold and deeper than I thought. I swam quiet far in and floated on my back. I was watching the clouds. I felt Jesses hand interlock with mine. We laided there floating for a while. Jesse turned to me and opened his mouth.

'JESSE? EDEN?' voices called. I recognised them. Amy and Aaron. I let go of Jesses hand and scrambled to the side. There where a few trees where we hid. I slipped my clothes on. Jesse did the same. We both rushed to our horses and flew back to the field. Amy and Aaron were riding towards the barn. And we followed. We put the horses away. And set off towards the house.

'Coem on slow coach.' He called.

'I tierd!' I yelled back 'Can I have a piggy-back?' I asked. Jesse stopped and bobbed so I could jumo up. I climbed on. Wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his hands on my thighs and started to walk slowly.

'Jesse we've been walking fifteen minuets.' I complained. But he knew I wasn't serious.

'Well, actually I wanted to talk to you.'

'What about?' I breathed out. Not realising how sexual that seemed. Me, slowly breathing out. Brushing against his ear. He took a deep breath.

'I was something I wanted to ask...' He trailed off. We reached the front door he let me down. We walked to upstairs together. Instead of heading to my room, I went to his.

'What are you doing?' He seemed intregened.

'Wanna play 21 questions?' I asked. He sighed and nodded. I took a seat on the floor. Jesse sat on desk chair. 'You first.'

'Why are you sat on the floor?'

'Because I like the floor. Whats your favourite colour?'

'Blue. Do you still like Kade?'

'No, I'm over him. Do you have a girlfriend?'

'You know I don't. Whats your sign?'

'Gemmini. When was your first kiss?' I nudged myself forward.

'I was twelve, in a park. Why?' Jesse moved from the chair to the bed.

'Just wondering. Do you have a boyfriend?'

'Nope. Single. Favourite subject?'

'Chemestry and English. Who do you like?'

'Not telling unless you tell me. You first?' I climbed onto the bed next to him.

'A person. You?'

'You'll have to guess.' Jesse laid back thinking for a moment.

'Is it a Bolton?' He guessed. I nodded. 'Christian?' I laughed and shook my head. 'Aaron?' I frownd and shook my head. 'If I guess will you tell me?'

'So what did you want to ask me outside?' I changed the suject.

'Ohh ... I was thinking ... wondering... If you wanted to go on a date, this tomorrow?' He asked. I was a little taken back. He sat up and faced me. He looked worried because I heisitaded. He turned away. 'Its okay if-'

'Yeah.' I answered.

'What?' He asked. He seemed so suprised. Instead of answering I kissed him on the cheek and walked out. I walked to my room.

'7 O'clock. Wear something warm.' He called down the corridor. I couldn't help but smile. My heart skipped a beat. I raced to my room and called Beth. She picked up after the first couple of rings.

'Hey Ed.' She answered. Ed was the nickname she gave me.

'Hey Betty.' I answered.

'So whats up. Are you feeling okay? I mean after yesterday.' She asked.

'Yeah I'm fine.' I replied.

'Your happy. Why you so happy?' She asked. 'Eden?'

'Fine. Well, today I went horse riding with Jesse and well, he asked me on a date.' I heard Beth scream. Over the past month she had been saying that I should be with Jesse. I couldn't help but giggle.

'I WAS RIGHT!' she cheered. After she calmed down we began speaking again.

'Is it wrong that I broke up with Kade and then go out with his brother?' I asked. I heard her sigh.

'Ed, no it isn't. It would only be wrong if you where only going out with him to get at Kade. And even thought for a month you guys weren't speaking. I saw the way you two looked at each other. Have fun on your date tomorrow.' And with that the line clicked dead. 

My life with the Bolton BoysWhere stories live. Discover now