League of Justice

Start from the beginning

Dr Fate: Absolutely not

Wonder woman: That sounded almost protective doctor we know Zatara is somewhere in that helmet.

Shazam: Why, the destiny Doctor is a member, you coerced Zatara to give up his life or else he would lose his daughter.

Red Tornado: such behavior should not be allowed

Dr Fate : Zatara asks fate doctor to stay in the league

Green arrow: don't tell me

Dr Fate : It is true zatara wants nabu to be measured he desire to have a vigilant watch over us.

Batman: Plastic Man

Flash: I don't know the guy had a very important criminal record

Shazam started laughing

Shazam: Sorry but it makes me laugh

All the members look at Shazam

Flash: Maybe it's time to talk about the elephant in the room, we really must leave the captain marvel in the league after discovering that he is a boy

Red tornado: He possesses the body of an adult and the wisdom of saloman

Aquaman: Wisdom does not equal maturity

Shazam: Hey remember remember I'm here

Powergirl: So buddy I think you should go until we figure this out

Batman: No Captain Marvel is a member of the league and is entitled to participate or at least until expelled.

Wonder Woman: It's not just his age it's the fact that he hasn't told us his age

Shazam: I didn't lie exactly just leave the part that was a boy

Wonder Woman: it's just a lie you hid from us an important secret no one  in the league knew the truth.

Batman: I do

Everyone in the room is surprised

Wonder Woman: It shouldn't surprise me since you indoctrinated robin to fight crime at age nine.

Batman: He needed help bringing the killer of his family to justice.

Wonde Woman: So he could be like you

Batman: Not so it wasn't

Martian Mamhunter: You think the age of 18 is correct to join the league, what about Miss Martian she is 18 years old but for Martian values ​​she is 48 Earth years old

Red tornado: Red tornado: So what is the decisive factor, chronological or biological for example superboy.

Black Kanary: Exactly he is only 1 years old, does he have to wait another 17 to fight with us?

Powergirl: What about supergirl she's already 20 years old and I think she's ready to fight alongside us.

Batman: She may control her powers but that doesn't mean she's ready

Power Girl Roll Her Eyes

Superman: So here are our candidates for new or continued membership.

Batman:We have debated origin, size, gender, experience, temperament, age, but what is the fundamental criterion for membership.

Wonder Woman: In the last stay, the real question is who do we trust to fight alongside us to cover our backs and to protect the ideals of the justice league and the planet to future invasion.

Batman: Time to vote.

Time skip

Batman: Those who are for to ratify the changes.

Everyone in the room responds with a yes.

Batman: Those who are oppose

Batman: Then the session is adjourned.


The furies are walking towards the ship's hangar to speak with the one who is in command of the mission when they enter you can see Dav-Vel witnessing the planet.

Lashina: We are ready to attack the planet Dav-Vel.

Mad Harret: Hahaha I want to go down to the planet and break those skulls

Stompa: Give the order and we will attack

Dav-Vel takes his helmet and puts it on and talks.

Dav-Vel: Perfect I will lead the attack Darkseid told me to finish as long as it takes until the inhabitants of the planet surrender.

The furies smile

Dav-Vel  leaves the hangar and goes out of the ship and flies in space next to the parademons and the other ships and shouts


The parademons and the ships advance to begin the conquest of the planet.

[In this chapter I was guided by two good series that I saw in my youth, Young Justice and Superman, the animated series, so I will probably see that the conversations are almost the same, as always tell me what I need to improve and what I can do to change it.]

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