Chapter 7: Infiltration

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17 Days Until Y/n's Return Home


I smile and wave good-bye to Seven, as I walk away from his car and toward the Mint Eye building. Following Seven's instructions on how to get inside the building, I carefully sneak around the side and to the back of the building where I find V's secret entrance. I take a deep breath, patting the side of the cloak Seven gave me to feel for the tiny camera he told me to use a couple hours ago.

"The camera is in the clip of the pen. To upload the pictures you take, all you have to do is click the top of the pen the same way you would if you were about to write with it. Got it?" I remember Seven telling me. Remembering the sound of his voice calms my nerves.

As I look around to make sure no one spotted me, I notice how cut off everyone in this place is from the rest of the world. The trees and bushes extending past the horizon make it seem as though the place is deserted. The building is so extravagant that it looks as if they have everything they could possibly ever need inside, without having to go anywhere.

When I'm sure no one is looking, I open the wall and get inside V's room. I pull the hood part of the cloak up, patch up V's room, and enter the main part of the building.

I walk down the hall, being sure to take mental notes on how to get back. The halls, flooring, and decorations look to be expensive. Everything looks polished and new. Nothing is old or worn out. I wonder how everything got to be this way, but then again, Rika would have made her followers do all the dirty work, if everything Seven told me is accurate.

"Excuse me?" I hear someone say. I turn around and look for the person. I find a young man with dark black hair in his twenties. "Are you new up here? Are you from the basement, I mean?"

"Yes," I say, hoping that means I would have no way of knowing where to go.

"Well, let me help you with your way around," he says, holding his right hand out. I take his hand, as he begins to walk away.

We stroll around the first and second floors of the building. The man never tells me his name and only talks about the different things about the building. I assume he is one of the people who helped build it after a couple people notice him and thank him for his work.

As the man keeps showing me around, I discreetly take pictures with the pen Seven gave me of all the things I find to be off. The pictures were of holes in the wall that look too similar to knuckles of a hand, people being yelled at for the smallest of things, and other horrible things that Seven told me to look out for. I was also able to get pictures of Saeran on a computer and yelling at some people. I felt my heart break seeing that, as Seven is such a nice person and talked about his brother being similar to him.

"That's the whole building, except for the Savior's room where we're not allowed," the man says to me. I thank him as he walks away after hearing someone down the hall call for him.

I am about to turn the corner and walk the opposite way of the man, when I see a woman walk out of a room that the man never showed me. She has bright blond hair and a slim build, so I assume her to be the Rika that Seven is upset with. I watch as she leaves the room, along with all the people who adored her while she walked out.

I look back to the room doors. They are unlocked and slightly ajar. I check back to make sure no one is in the hall and that there are no security cameras. When neither are there, I quietly run into the room, closing the doors behind me.

Once the doors are shut, I go through as much of her stuff that I am able to before someone gets back. I feel my heartbeat through my chest after looking for a couple minutes, not finding anything that would help Seven get his brother back. My heart beats even faster when I remember Seven specifically telling me not to do anything dangerous.

"Can't get more dangerous right now MC," I whisper to myself sarcastically.

I give myself another minute to look through Rika's stuff and if I cannot find anything, I will leave. I feel a wave of panic setting in, as I remain the only person in the room.

After a deep breath, I find three journals sitting in a desk drawer. I open the top journal to a random page and read it. I feel my heart sink and skip five pages ahead, only to find the same type of writing. All of it is in the same handwriting, which details gruesome details of how people will be hurt or worse if they refuse to do everything Rika says.

Holding back my tears, I grab Seven's pen and take as many pictures as I can of different pages in the different books. In the oldest book, I find one of the earlier entries. It's about Saeran and is almost five pages in length, one of the longest ones in all three journals. I photograph each page, hoping this will help Seven more than hurt him.

"Just tell him to come here," I hear abruptly from someone outside the room, as they twist the door knob open.

I quickly upload the pictures by clicking the pen and put all the journals back in the desk drawer. I frantically look around the room for a place to hide but fail. I watch as the same woman, who left the room minutes ago, enters the room and stands there, looking at me.

"What are you doing here?" Rika asks me.

"I was looking for you and someone told me to wait in here," I lie, hoping to safely get out of the room.

"Who told you that?" Rika further questions. Her voice goes from patient to strict. "Because you're not supposed to be in here no matter what."

I open my mouth to tell her another lie, but someone else walks in the room. Rika turns around halfway, in order for her to be able to see me and the person walking in the room.

"Saeran!" Rika smiles as her voice becomes cheerful, almost too cheerful. "I was looking for you."

Saeran nods at her closing the door and is about to explain something when he sees me. His bleached white hair sways, as he looks from Rika to me and back to Rika. He walks over to Rika and whispers something to her.

"MC, correct?" Rika asks, as Saeran takes a few steps away from her.

I want to tell her she has the wrong person, but Saeran gives me a look that he already recognizes me and lying would not be in my favor. I realize it must have been Saeran who hacked into the Seven's system, as he knows what I look like. I nod at Rika and quietly drop the pen under the desk, hoping they won't find it.

"V must have told you about us. Come here. Follow me," Rika smiles, motioning her hand for me to walk over to her. She puts a hand over my shoulder and begins to walk out of the room. I follow her since running is not an option with Saeran being behind us. "If you wished to be saved, you could have just asked."

Author's Note:
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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