13. bloody hand

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"Grace, we need to leave now." My heart jumped, this face was familiar the petrified look when ever saw my father.

I stood up, he put his cap on my head and picked me up. I looked back through the window and saw hi watching us escape. We ran back to the hospital and he called the officer who gave his number in case my father showed up. "I'm sorry grace I never thought he could find us."

The police showed up and circled around the hospital to come into my room empty handed. They promised protection, they set up around the building but I knew they couldn't save me, nobody could save me.

Jack slept with me through the night, cops said it was a good idea. I woke up from many nightmare, he held me while I cried and then fell back into the dark place I was scared to be. I would sit by the window sill and watch cars drive around with places to be, not hiding or running from anything besides time. I had to hide and run from a mad man, I wasn't doing that well of a job though.

"I need to get out of here." I whispered as I stared at the roof in deep thought. I heard him breathing next to me thinking of how to make me happy to be where I was, but even he felt like getting out.

"I don't know what others would think of that." He said with concern in his voice as well as tiredness from losing so much these couple of weeks.

"I'm almost fully healed, I need to see new faces, I need to breathe fresh air." He got out of the bed and opened the window, "you know what I mean, Jackson." I took a deep breath, fixed my pillow and laid my head back down on it.

"I want you to be safe." When he finished saying "safe" the lights went out and soon back on. When it turned on I saw Jack look at me with worry, "I wonder what that is all about." He walked to my side and picked me up.

"Jack, i don't need to be carried anymore I can walk no-" he cut me off and looked into my eyes with a serious face.

"I already told you... I never wanna let go of you again, and I meant it." He held me tighter as we walked out to the hallway. No one was on the floor, Jacks footsteps grew faster. I heard a new pair of footsteps, soon Jack was knocked off his feet, I hit the ground hard. The stitches on my should ripped open, I grabbed onto it with my opposite hand, blood covered my hand. I looked at him again, facing my nightmare again. I was sick of this, I knew he wasn't done playing until he has won, it was a game to him. Anger filled my veins instead of fear, Jack was knocked out on the ground I stepped over him to the devil disguised as my father.

"Stop! Father I want you to leave before this gets worse," I saw pens on the nurses front counter, needles were packaged by the phone.

He took me by my collar of my shirt, "you don't talk to me like that you little shit!" He was spitting in my face with every word. His vein popped out of is neck, he was about to kill me. I pushed him hard, his feet stumbled as he tried to gain balance again. I ran behind the desk and grabbed two needles, taking both out of there packages. I held them like knifes, threatening to attack if he stepped any closer. He punched faster then I could react, I held the needles tightly as I fell so I wouldn't lose them. They were the only defense I had, desperate to keep my life, I now knew why I had to survive.

Father walked to me holding his hand out, I wiped my lip that he split. "Grab my hand, let's go home and finish dinner." I heard enough, his obsession with his special dinners made me blank minded. My body responded with stabbing both needles into his hand, I held on to them with all my strength. I dragged them back to me, cutting his flesh quickly but painfully. Blood dripped uncontrollably to the floor and I felt stronger. I worked my way up to my feet, he was on his knees focusing on his hand to even realize my process on raising the needles above my head. I plunged them into the back of his head, he fell to the floor and laid still. I counted to three before I broke my stare to see if he was still alive. I ran to Jack, he woke but was dizzy, I helped him to the hospital bed, ran back and there was a blood trail to the end of the hallway without lights. I grabbed the needles I threw on the ground and marched into the dark where my nightmare hides.

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