12. breakfast

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Jack visited me multiple times but I closed my eyes signaling him to leave me alone. One night he sneaked in, I opened my mouth to protest, "Shh!" He laid down beside me, he grabbed my hand, "Now I'm never going to leave you alone again." He squeezed me tightly, I looked into the darkness.

"Do you promise, Jack?" I whispered, the nurse would kick him out if she found him in here. I guided my fingers along his cast that wrapped around his wrist. I closed my eyes with a last tear that slowly made its way to my pillow. The last thing I remember is his calm voice.

"I promise... I love you grace." My heart jumped a little and I smiled, I then got washed into a gentle wave of sleep.

The sun came through the hospital drapes, I woke up to a kiss on the cheek, "good morning, beautiful. How was you sleep?" I smiled and sat up, he laid there ignoring the fact that he was going to get into trouble in a few minutes.

"It was okay." I thought of why we were here in the first place, thinking of if he would be back. I knew he would be back he never would give up so easily.

Jack frowned, "only good with me?" He pouted with eyes like a puppies. I laughed and he smiled rubbing his eyes, the nurse came in. She acted like she never entered but she didn't ignore him, "this isn't a hotel you know, hospital beds aren't made for two people." She looked at him and then him, she looked into my eyes and had sorrow on her face, "I'm so sorry grace I didn't know this was your room I'm new on this floor." She smiled and ran out, her cheeks were red from embarrassment.

"I guess she knows why your here, everything spreads around this hospital like wild fire." He was staring at the door like he was ready for her to come back but she didn't so he looks back at me. He smiled and put his hands in my hair, curling it with his finger. "Can you move at all? Or do I need to bring you breakfast?" He stopped curling my hair and looked into my eyes, I looked in to his greeny - blue eyes.

"Um," I put my feet on the ground, he came around the bed and took my hand. I stood, aching swallowed my thoughts I couldn't think of anything else. I bit my lip and took a step, he stepped with me.

He huffed, "were going to be late for breakfast at this speed," he picked me up like I was weightless. He walked side ways through the door so I wouldn't get hit by the door, "Now where...?" My prince charming.

"I would love a doughnut, hospital food makes my sick though." He carried me out of the hospital, the fresh air filled my lungs. I looked at Jack, "what about your arm?"

"It healed, we have been in there for awhile now, you kept sleeping for more than just nights." His face grew into concern, "the doctor never knew if you were going to wake up whenever you closed your eyes... I could have lost you." He clenched his teeth, he looked where he was going making sure he walked as smooth as he  old for me.

I couldn't get a word out, I laid my head on his chest until we got to a restaurant. He sat my on one side of the bench and sat on the other side. I put my finger to my lips thinking on what to get, I looked up to see him looking at me smiling.

"What?" I knew my hair was a mess, my pajamas weren't appropriate for a restaurant which i didn't care about now.

"Your thinking face is cute. What are you getting, princess?" He looked at his menu deciding what he wanted.

"They don't have doughnuts... but I will do for a waffle." I put my menu down and the blonde ponytail waitress walked up looking at Jack and then to me.

"Are you guys ready to order?" She looked back at Jack and smiled curling error ponytail with her pink paintednas. He looked up and ordered eggs and bacon, they both looked at me.

"Waffle with strawberries and whip cream please." I smiled and she glanced at Jack then turned to walk to the kitchen.

"Jealous?" He laughed and looked up, I felt my cheeks and they were on fire. My face was red probably, I did have a twinge of jealousy.

"She was drooling all over you, who knows maybe your thing is blondes now." I smirked daringly at him and he flashed his teeth at me.

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