5. rag doll

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The long fuzzy body that cuddled up to me, my eyes were closed and a smile was on my face. This was what I have always hoped for, to wake up and find him still there breathing steadily in my arms. I hugged him and put my face into the warmth of the back of his neck, but it was wet. I opened my eyes and wiped my face, a slippery liquid that dripped off my hand. Red. That's all I could think of, I looked at the puddle I was laying in and rolled gunner over to see his head wasn't attached to his body. His body fell to the floor with a slump, I felt sick but I couldn't move. I touched his head his fur soaked but I ignored it, "it's all my fault, I let him do this to you... why did you come back." Tears started to drain from my eyes until no more would fall and then there was noises at my door. It squealed open with my dad standing there, knife in his hand and a smile on his face.

"There he went! I though I lost our dinner." He laughed and grabbed the head and held it under his arm like a basket ball and held the body. It's back paws dragged, he was like a rag doll.

I woke up to mom sitting on my bed, holding my hand with a tear in her eye. "I was scared half to death, I'm sorry you were put through that..." She could talk any long, she dug her face in my neck and cried until she was too tired to cry any longer. She never let go like this, it made me feel like our bond was strengthening, it's almost been a year and we are finally healing.

The motel we were now at wasn't as great as the old one so we moved back and lived in the motel ever since. Rosemary Sanctuary Motel was lit up on a small sign, I was excited to go back to the store and see jack. But mother coukd never know or else she would suck it up and we would have to move again.

A week in and we need supplies, our money was low so we visited less and ate only twice a day. To not die from boredom we bought a deck of cards, paper, and markers. That was mostly what we did was play cards and draw our dream house, or play gold fish for an hour.

Mother planned to put father behind bars but it put to much at risk, our lives. Being I  a room was like another nightmare, we finally got away and didn't want any part of him.

Mother let me have alone time but told me to get a few groceries which i didn't mind getting if it gave me a reason to talk to jack. He put the items through the till and i paid, he invited to sit on a bench with him which i couldn't say no. "You haven't been in for awhile, but you mom has... she doesn't like me very much I can tell by the glares and the lack of talking." He forced a laugh and glanced at me.

"Don't take it personally she hates everyone, she thinks everyone is out to get her, why are you always working? Where are your parents?" I knew knew I made a mistake when his smile turned into a face with tears threatening to show. He fought it and looked at his feet he took awhile to come back and when he did he sucked in air and held it in until his lungs started to feel like they were on fire.

"Drunk driver hit our car, I was the only survivor." He looked back at me and into my eyes, " I'm helping out my grandma pay the bills since she can't work anymore."

"I'm sorry I asked I didn't mean to..." I trailed off before I could make a bigger fool of myself. He looked away and grew a smile on his face.

"Wanna see something cool?"

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