6. Butterfly

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The room had three windows and a balcony that you could see out for miles. Upstairs of the store was the storage, but for some reason they put big windows facing where the sun was setting. It was like a painting, the oranges, pinks, yellows, and reds were mixed together and stained the clouds with beauty. I never knew that life could be even more perfect, the breeze of freedom made me crazy for more. He opened the window and the wind danced around me, my hair flew into my face. My eyes closed and I consumed as much as I could in these few minutes.

"isn't it beautiful?" His smile was if he was a little boy opening a Christmas present. I couldn't stop looking at him while he gazed into the living painting. I couldn't get a word out, the butterflies in my stomach were taking flight again.

"Yes, it really is. How did you come across this place? it's amazing." He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. I looked behind him to see the sun was almost fully down.

"Yeah, it pretty but it has nothing on you." He winked and smiled again, sitting beside me. "I needed somewhere to... escape, I don't know what to escape from exactly." He sat and looked into my eyes with such meaning, I was scared he might hear the butterflies wings fluttering.

"I know how that feels." I looked back out the window and remembered mother was probably waiting for me. "Uh oh, I'm gonna have to run. My mom will start to worry." This was the longest talk I have had with someone rather than my mother or father. I wouldn't forget it.

"Do you want me to walk with you?" I fought back my excitement and thought about it before I answered. I wanted him to but maybe not this time.

"Next time, I told my mom I wouldn't talk to anyone." I grabbed my bags of groceries and started to slowly walk down the stairs.

"That must be lonely." He mumbled behind me, his breath tickling my ear. My cheeks grew warm.

"She has good intentions..." I trailed off when I saw the familiar hair. The ball cap that I always stole from my father was now perched on his head. I turned around and pushed jack until I couldn't be seen. I crouched down and watched his every move, does mom know he is here?

"What are you-" I cut him off quickly.

"Shhh, you wouldn't understand, just wait until I think it's safe." I whispered up to him, I couldn't hear anything my heartbeat was pounding so loudly.

"Safe? Are you hiding from someone?" He asked with a mixture of alarm and confusion in his voice. I didn't answer, I just stared like a hawk stares at his prey. He checked out and the doors opened for him, the last thing that lingered was the thought of him seeing me. I had to go to mother, but that might put mother and I in more danger than we already were. What did he decide to stop in this run down town that people would usually ignore even looking at a map. But he was here no question about it, I made jack go back upstairs and I looked through the window, seeing him get into his silver car. He turned it on and just stayed there for awhile until he got settled in, I saw another head trying to pop up but father pushed it down. After the second try it didn't happen again... mom. After he left the parking lot and started to drive the other way than the motel I knew that this was my chance. I ran down the stairs and left the bags behind, as well as a clueless jack. I stopped at the door and fumbled for the key, I opened the door to an empty motel. I needed to get my things and get out as soon as possible.

I put the last shirt of mine in my bag when a shadow figure laid on the floor, I wasn't fast enough...

I closed my eyes and was ready to hear his voice, "I found you!"

Run awayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora