9. blacked out

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I felt a sting on my cheek and then it all went black. I didn't know what would happen to me, what will he do this time? Whatever it was it is going to end up with me dead, the anger that he must be holding deep inside him.

I heard a vehicle when I started to gain conscience. The slight touch on the brake, probably stopping at a red light. Until I felt the engine stop, I knew we were at the destination.

I felt hands under my legs and back of my neck, he carried me quickly into the house. He sat me on the floor, "it took me awhile to find you, you were smart but not smart enough." He laughed softly and took the blanket off of my head. I couldn't believe where we were, I couldn't believe I was back. The house I had a dog, the house... I lost my dog. Where I was always hit, always controlled.*

I didn't see mom, "Where is mother?" I tried to sound strong but my voice cracked when I said mother. I never knew how much she really meant to me until now that she was gone. He turned to me and crouched with his hand resting on his knee. He smirked.

"Well honey, like I have told you, there will me a consequence when someone makes a mistake. You mother made a very bad one. But now that she is gone we can be a real family." His hand touched my shoulder, it felt like the Devils claws. My heart raced faster, I would rather him kill me than to live another minute in his deadly sanctuary. It smelt like dried blood, decomposing flesh. I tried not to breathe as much as I could but I couldn't hold my breath forever. he held his hand out, I just watched it be held there innocently. I knew what his hands have done, in my mind I just imagined the blood drip. I closed my eyes to make the image disappear but it still replayed in my mind, there was no escaping It now.

"What would you like for dinner? There's... left overs." He brought me to the kitchen, nightmares came through my head, rushing through like a Rollercoaster. I was going to faint, or be sick I wasn't sure yet. The mugs glass was still on the white tiled floor. Nothing was moved, it was like when I left, time stopped until I was to return where everything would finish. This is where it began, this is where it will end. The container was full of the leftovers from the night before we left, he wanted me to see it. He watched my reaction and when i quickly hid it he found no more amusement and closed the fridge door.

"You know don't you?" I nodded and closed my eyes so my tears couldn't escaped, they were prisoners just like I am. I saw the knife on the kitchen counter like how it was when I left. I have an idea...

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