10. drugged to not escape

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I lunged for the knife... I thought. I was in the same spot and speechless. I couldn't move, not even my fingers could bend.

"I'm guessing you tried to move, your face is priceless." He laughed and picked me up, he carried me to my room and walked to the door. "Dinner will be ready soon, something special to celebrate you coming home... consider it a feast." He closed the door a little too hard. His footsteps were like hooves tapping against the floor, rushing to the kitchen. What was the special tonight, what was he planning this time?

The room started to fill with an odd odor, he walked in the room with sweat beads holding onto his forhead. He patted them off with his shirt sleeve, "Dinner is ready, can you move yet? I might given you too much of it..." I tried moving my finger and saw it flinch. I looked at my legs and concentrated on moving one by one to the end of the bed. My legs were too weak to put all my weight on them but I rather them break in ever place possible than to be touched by him. I held onto the wall and walked slowly down the hall to the dinner table. I wanted to collapse when I saw what was on my plate. Liver and onions, but not like the ones before; I thought of gunner and knew that whatever was on my plate was not good to eat. The mystery of what it was now made me want to vomit, I saw a knife placed beside my plate, I knew what I had to do.

I sat down without a sound but that didn't stop him from talking, "yummy, let's dig in." He sweat more as he sat there looking from his plate to mine. I grabbed my fork and knife, my palms were sweaty I was scared of failure.

I moved the food around with my utensils, this was not animal meat. I couldn't take a bite, I didn't trust anything he did, anything he said. "Eat... now." I wasn't scared of dying now that I have suffered long enough and knew I could be saved. I was about to take a bite but the door bell rang.

"Who the f-" he got up and stomped to the door angrily. He opened the door and all I could hear was his mumbling. I couldn't make any words out of it.

I felt a touch on my shoulder, a hand covered my mouth, my eyes widened. "It's jack, let's get out of here." He whispered in my ear quietly. He guided me to the window, I heard a glass smash behind me, I turned around to jack on the ground. Father's face was red, I knew this wasn't going to be a happy ending. I had the knife still in my hand, I closed my eyes and threw my hand out. The blade pierced flesh, a scream came from father's mouth. I opened my eyes to see him gone, Jack was still on the floor.

"Jack," I shook his shoulder and his eyes opened, "come on." He slowly got up, we jumped out of the window and ran to his truck. He opened the door for me, then closed it and got in himself. Clicking into drive, we drove off.

"I... I came back and you weren't there, I saw him and followed him here. I'm so sorry I left you, grace." His eyes started to gain tears and he wiped them away with his hand. He looked at me and I smiled, grabbing his hand from the gear shifter.

"But you saved me either way, I owe you my life." I started to tear up now, realizing how much he risked to save me.

"I'm gonna make sure this never happens again, you need to get help and I'll be by your side the whole time." He squeezed my hand tighter.

the last thing I remember was headlights from an incoming truck and then everything went black again. His hand letting go of mine from the impact.

I woke to a bright light, it moved from my eyes and saw a unfamiliar face. "She's responding." The flashlight faced my other eye then was taken away. Black spots stayed behind, when they disappeared I realized I was in a hospital room.

"Where is Jackson?" My heart beat faster as no one answered me, a quiet high pitch noise was making me feel like someone was screaming in my ear constantly. I croaked out again with every ounce of strength in my body, "Where is he? Where is Jackson?" The doctor looked at me, he wetted his finger and flipped pages that were on his clipboard.

"He is fine, broke a few bones. Police will talk to you shortly."

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