An Aching Heart

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    (Legolas POV)


    I tried hard to hold up the facade of a smile. It was hard to watch Aragorn with Arwen, when I had long harbored feelings for him. With effort, I kept my smile going, even though inside, I was slowly dying.

    It wasn’t my day, it was Aragorn’s coronation day. I had to be happy for his sake today. Once Aragorn and Arwen had walked off, to greet their subjects, I slowly slid away. It was hard to turn my back away from him, my heart hurt to see him in the arms of another. I tried hard to keep it from my mind, but it had been there since for as long as I could remember.

    No one saw me leave, which was a relief, because I needed some time to myself. I walked until I found one of the gardens that was hidden in the middle of the city. It was rather lovely for a garden encased in stone, but it did calm my nerves slightly. The flowers were in bloom, and the scent made me close my eyes. I sat still on the stone bench, looking at the flowers as they bloomed. A small smile touched my lips as I looked at the small trees, and the birds that rested there.

    “Calming, is it not?” A voice asked from behind me. I mentally beat myself up for not sensing that someone was coming. I rose to my feet quickly to find Aragorn behind me.

    “You should be with your people,” I said, bowing my head slightly. “You were just crowned king, you need to be there for your people.”

    Aragorn walked over to me, and pushed up my chin. “I want you there with me,” He said, looking into my eyes. His grey eyes found my blue ones, and I had to look away.

    “I do not belong in halls of men,” I stated calmly, looking down at the flowers below me. I stooped to get a better look, trying to make my reaction not as strange. I could sense Aragorn kneeling next to me, trying to get me to look at him. The flower near me was an almost perfect white. The only imperfection was the deep red at it’s center.

    “You have a place in my hall, no matter what happens,” Aragorn told me, forcing me to look at him. I raised my eyes only for a second, then my attention went back to my flower.

    “Aragorn?” A questioning voice said from behind us. We turned to find Arwen standing there staring at us. “There you are.” The fake smile appeared on my face again the moment she appeared. Aragorn smiled and walked towards his love. A slow ache had started in my heart at the sight. Aragorn wrapped his arms around Arwen and they shared a sweet smile. “We were wondering where you went off to.”

    I stood still, like any proper elf would do, waiting to be acknowledged. When both of them finally looked at me, I smiled. “I might retire, because I will ride to meet with my father,” I stated, bowing slightly. I put my right hand over my heart, giving the elvish sign of farewell.

    “Oh stay a while,” Arwan begged, walking over to me. She grabbed my hands in her petite ones, looking me in the eyes. “At least stay for one toast.”

    “I’m sorry m’lady, but I have an early morning ahead of me,” I apologized. Arwen gave me a sad look, but I had perfected the ability to keep my emotions in check. Aragorn gave me a small smile, and then walked over to me.

    “Farewell my dear friend,” he stated, grabbing my shoulder. I returned the gesture, and bowed my head slightly. I watched the two walk away together, and the ache had returned to my heart.

With a sigh, I walked off to my chambers, thinking of what I needed to retrieve. I had lied to one of my dearest friends, and I felt awful about it. Once I had finally made it to my chambers, all my emotions broke free of my barrier. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared out the window. I never let my emotions known to those around me, but in private they all escape. My weapons were leaning against the wall across from me, and I walked to retrieve them. Before I reached the wall, I had fallen to my hands and knees. My emotions were stronger than I had previously thought. My invisible barrier went up again, as I tried to regain my composure. I finally made it back to my feet as I walked to get my weapons. I quickly grabbed them and brought them to my bed, laying them gentle on the footrest.    

I was still in the outfit that I had worn at the coronation, and I had to quickly changed. I donned my regular riding clothes, and laced up my boots. There was a lump in my throat as I thought of how I lied to my friend. In the back of my mind, I knew that I should tell Aragorn how I felt, but he was the King of Gondor now. He had more on his mind then an elf who could not stop thinking about him. My mind had entertained the thought of leaving a note, but I did not want that stress on his mind.

Everyone was still at the coronation feast, so they would not realize I was gone until the morning. With one last look at my room, I threw my cape over my shoulders and continued down the hall. The halls of such a great city were deadly silent. After the battles we had been through, it was strange to be plunged into silence. My mind went to the battle of the Black Gates, and seeing the troll taking Aragorn down. I replayed that scene in my mind, the fear and adrenalin that I felt. I was so frightened, that I thought that I was going to loose my Aragorn. I shook my head, trying not to dwell on what could have happened, but instead on what did happen,

        Frodo destroyed the ring, the Dark Lord was vanquished, Aragorn was on the throne, and everything was back to the way it should be. Once I got to the stables, my horse sat there looking at me. I smiled at him, getting his saddle ready. Arod looked at me, his brown eyes ready for an adventure. “Thala (firm),” I whispered in his ear. As I was about to put his saddle on him, I realized that I did not have Gimli with me. Therefore, I needed no saddle. Arod looked even more excited when I threw the saddle to the side.

        With one last look, I mounted Arod and took off into the city. Everyone was celebrating the new king, and they should be. I put Aragorn from my mind, turning my face from the White City. The pain in my heart was still evident, as I rode off into the wilderness, leaving my entire existence behind.


Author's Note

I do not own these characters! Please give me feedback, like whether or not I should continue this series. I hope you guys enjoy what I have so far, and please give me feedback and ideas!


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