Bittersweet Moments and Promises

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(Legolas POV)

I walked back to my room alone. My head hung as I thought over what had just happened. I was leaving Aragorn after just having found him. The only sound I heard, was the sound of my own feet on the stone. It was such a sad, hollow sound. My father and I were to leave within the hour. He believed that the sooner we leave, the quicker things can be resolved. I did not want to leave, but it was for the best. I also did not want to think of my Aragorn with another person. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I walked in my room. I noticed that my things were already packed. Suiadan must have come and packed them for me. He always knew when things were happening.

Wind blew softly through the opened windows, bringing the scent of the forest. I never knew how much I would have missed the forest. I missed the woods, but I will also miss the cold stone walls of Gondor. The wind that was once so hopeful, turned cold, and depraved of any warmth. Everything was happening so quickly, I had no idea how things moved so quickly.

One man could ruin the entire life of someone with just a few words. I hoped that Gandalf and Elrond would soon find out who was causing all this misfortune. I hung my head in my hands, resting my elbows on my knees. It was going to be a long ride back home, and it would pain me to be so far away from Aragorn. Another sigh escaped my lips, and I heard a slight chuckle from the door. My eyes snapped up to find my father standing at the door.

"You look so desperate," he told me, which kind of confused me. He was always so strict, but now he looked as if he was enjoying himself. "Do not fear, Gandalf and Elrond will figure this out. Gandalf always has a way of figuring things out."

He walked into the room and sat on the bed next to me. Tears overflowed my eyes again, and I willed them from falling from my eyes. I did not want my father to see me cry too much. "When do we leave?" I asked him, not looking at him. The tears may have not been falling, but my cheeks were puffy from crying earlier. "I see that Suiadan has already took the liberty to pack my things for me."

"I did not ask him," He said, looking around. "He must have knew that we required your things to be packed. He always seems to know whenever I require something to be done. Suiadan is quite the little mind reader."

"Are you talking about me your highness?" A voice asked from the doorway. The familiar brown hair poked through the door, and a smile lit my lips. "Forgive me, my young master, I hope you are not mad at me for packing your things."

"Far from it Suidan," I told him, he looked at me with a smile. He was always so happy, nothing seemed to damper his spirits. Also, nothing seemed to run off course when he was in charge. "It freed me from trying to stall myself from leaving."

"The only things I did not pack were your weapons," Suidan gestured towards the corner, where my weapons lay. "I know how particular you are to how they are stored." I nodded my head in thanks and went to get ready to leave. I could feel the eyes of both elves on me, as I went about putting my weapons in their cases.

"We shall leave once you are finished packing those," Thranduil informed me. Both he and Suiadan left the room. Suiadan had grabbed my bags, so I was alone in my room. There was a tentative knock at the door, and when I opened it, I found Arwen standing there.

"What a surprise," I stated, gesturing for her to come in. She walked in slowly, not meeting my eyes. "What is it I can do for you? I will be departing soon, so please make it quick." My words came off harsh, but I had no patience with anyone at the moment. Arwen looked everywhere, except at me. my tolerance was growing smaller by the moment. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and my arms across my chest. "Well?"

Arwen finally looked at me, and I could see sadness in her eyes. "I am truly sorry for what has happened to you," she told me in a small voice. In the mood I am at the moment, her words felt false to me. She looked down at her hands, and I watched her every move. "I know I may not be the person you want to see right now, but I do feel bad for what has happened. I reacted in the wrong manner, and I just want the best for Aragorn..."

"Do you believe that I don't?" I asked in a small voice. My voice was small, but there was a venom behind my words. "The reason I am leaving is because I care for him. Our whole lives were flipped upside down when that man threatened our lives. Do you believe that you acted in a way that was caring for Aragorn? You caused him pain... He knew the way you would react, and it hurt him."

Arwen sat down, hard onto the bed, covering her eyes. I felt bad for what I was saying, but I had so many pent up feelings because of this she elf. I sat down next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. She was crying, but it was a silent crying.

"Take care of him," I told her softly. She lifted her head, and I saw the tears in her eyes. "You are the only person he has now. I will no longer be here for him, so you have to be here whenever he needs someone. Please, you have already seen how we were apart, so you must be there for him." My tone had almost become desperate.

"I will do anything," she told me. I had taken her hands in mine, and I closed my eyes. I was relieved that she would look after him for me. "You need not worry... I care for him, so I will do as you say."

    I smiled at her before standing up. Arwen continued to sit on the bed, and I looked down at her. "I know you will do anything for him," I said, starting for the door. "Take care." I took one more glance at her and my room. My father and Suiadan were waiting for me in the stables.

    Arod greeted me with a snort, and I patted his head. My father was on his elk, and Suiadan was on his black horse. My father nodded at me, and I mounted Arod. We took off into the night, leaving my Aragorn behind. It hurt so much to leave everyone. I knew that Gandalf and Elrond could handle trying to figure out who was behind it, but I wish they did it soon. I took one more glance back at Gondor, and I could make out someone standing at Aragorn's window. He was waving, but I had to turn away, and face the road before me.


Author's Note,

Guys, I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have posted anything. My mom is out of the hospital, and is doing good. My last day of highschool was on Friday, which was a bittersweet moment. I may be done with highschool, but I started an online college course today. I will hopefully be posting more often, but I will also be a live in nanny for my sister. I barely have a summer guys... Please continue to vote and comment, because it does mean a lot.



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