Everything is Ruined

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(Arwen POV)

The tears just kept coming, and I could not stop them. My world was crashing down around me. I never wanted for Aragorn to find out this way. 'I moved too quickly... I should have waited a while before the marriage agreement... If I had waited, I would have gotten away with it...' I thought to myself. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked to see my father staring down at me.

"Why?" I heard Aragorn ask besides me. His voice was soft, but I could hear the anger behind the simple word. I quickly covered my face again, more tears falling.

"I-I wanted yo-u for myse-lf..." I stated sadly. More sobs wracking my body. The only time I ever cried this much was when I believed I would never see Aragorn again. Aragorn breathed deeply, I could tell that he was trying to remain calm.

"Arwen, you must calm down," I heard Gandalf tell me. That was easier said than done.I felt awful because of what I did. After a while, my breathing had finally become normal. I was able to look up at everyone without immediately breaking down into sobs.

"Please forgive me..." I said in a small voice.

Aragorn had his face resting in his hands, he was shaking slightly. I wanted to place my hand on top of his, but I knew that it probably was not the best idea.

"Why not tell us why you sent the letter?" Gandalf asked with a kind look in his eyes. He was basically a second father to me, and it was nice to see someone with kindness in his eyes. "You can take your time if you like."

"I was jealous," I started, looking down at my hands. I do not believe if I can look them in the eyes. I could feel their eyes on me, but I decided to continue to look down. "I believed that I would never see Aragorn again, however I stayed in the mortal world, just for the possibility that I would be able to see him. I risked my immortality for him. Once I finally saw him again, everything was perfect... We had each other, but then Legolas started to act strange..."

"That was before he left?" Gandalf asked, sitting in the chair next to me.

"Yes," I said, taking a quick glance at my father. "It hurt me, when Aragorn wanted to go to find him..."

"I did that because he is my friend," I heard Aragorn say. His eyes burned holes in me, and I could not look at him. "I told you to travel with your kin, because I will die. There is no stopping my death. There was a chance that I would not even survive the trip to destroy the ring. Boromir did not survive."

"You will have to tell the same thing to Legolas," I retorted. "For he is immortal, and you will die. Do you really believe that Legolas will stay with you? He must leave for the undying lands also. If he does not, then he will be stuck here, without you." I do not know what made me say this, but I just wanted him to know who I felt. The anger and annoyance to losing someone that you love. "Legolas will have to leave with us..."

    "Enough," Elrond finally said. "You have no cause to say these things."

    "Lord Elrond is correct," Gandalf said, making me look up. I had fresh tears in my eyes, and some of the kindness from his eyes were there. "We understand that you were hurting, but to cause this pain to Legolas and Aragorn is uncalled for." I buried my face in my hands again, hoping for an end to this torment.

    Aragorn quickly got up from the chair he was in, looking at the door. "I have to get Legolas back," He said, not looking away from the door. "Now that we know the truth, I do not care who knows about us." We all turned to look at him, not knowing how to react. "If need be, I will leave Gondor with Legolas. I care for him, and I want everyone to know it."

    "I believe you have made a wise choice," Gandalf said with a smile. I could not believe what was happening. Aragorn was going to tell everyone? Where did that leave us?

    "Arwen," I looked up from my hands. Aragorn was kneeling in front of me, a somewhat kind expression in his eyes. I was a little taken aback at this, but I waited to hear what he was going to say. "What you did to me was unforgivable..." My face fell at this, but he pushed my chin up softly. "I am sorry, but I wish for you to go to the undying lands with your kin. You will be happier there, than you are here." I nodded my head softly, understanding what he was saying.

    "Please find it in your heart to forgive me..." I said, tears falling from my eyes again. "I feel horrible for what I did... It was awful of me..."

"I will go send word to Legolas," Elrond said, leaving the room. Gandalf smiled sadly before getting up and following him out. Aragorn and I were alone in the room now, and it felt strange. I had lost all trust from this man.

"I forgive you," Aragorn said suddenly. My eyes snapped to look at him. "I will forgive you, you just have to wish that Legolas will forgive you. He is not the most forgiving type... You should know this." I nod my head again, not really feeling the urge to talk. My voice would betray me anyways.

    Aragorn stood up, and started for the door. I sat there, looking at my hands, tears falling from my eyes again. It feels as if all I ever do is cry... Nothing can stop the tears from falling from my eyes. "Thank you..." I said quietly.

    "Hm?" Aragorn asked, turning around to look at me. "What did you say?"

    "I told you, thank you," I repeated, looking up, and meeting his eyes. I stood up quickly and wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug. It took a moment, but soon Aragorn was returning the hug. I started to cry again, causing his clothes to become slightly damp. "I am sorry, I have no ideas how many times I can say it, but I am..."

    "I know," he told me, resting his head on top of mine. "Just talk to Legolas when he gets back... He is the one who deserves your apologies..." He pulled himself away from me, and looked down at me. He held me at arm's length to look at me. "I have to go..."

    "I understand," I told him, sitting back down away. "Remember I will always love you..." Aragorn did not say anything, he only left without a word. I did not look forward to talking to Legolas about this. I fear that I have ruined so many relationships today, and I will not have the strength to continue...


Author's Note

Hey y'all! Two updates in one day! I must love you guys or something. This was probaby really bad, and I apologize. I'm trying to figure out ways I can end the story... Also, I want to write a Character x Reader story, I just need to figure out which anime I would like to do. Hope you guys continue to vote and comment, it means a lot. Plus thanks to all those people who have been with me since the beginning of my story! You guys rock!

Stay Awesome!


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