A True Confession

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(Gandalf's POV)

My eyes flew open to the sound of frantic footsteps from the hall. I turned from the window to find Aragorn in the doorway, a limp Legolas in his arms. “What happened?” I demanded, rushing to their side.

“I do not know,” Aragorn told me, his voice slightly breaking. Together we carried Legolas to the bed, and placed him softly on it. He was still breathing. “Gandalf, you must help him.” When I looked at Aragorn, tears were forming in his eyes. It was strange to see him like this. He held tight onto Legolas’ hand.

“I need to know what happened,” I started, looking back at Legolas’ face. He looked peaceful. “I may be able to help. Lord Elrond is still here, so he will have more insight than I will. Will you go get him, and be quick about it.” Aragorn stood up, and with one last look at Legolas, took off down the hallway.

His footsteps faded to nothing, and it was silent. I sat down on the bed next to Legolas. His breathing was stable, and he looked peaceful. I placed a hand on his forehead, and could see what was happening in mind. He was conflicted. His mind was full of thoughts of Aragorn. I took my hand away, confused at what I saw.

There was a chair by the bed, so I sat down. Waiting for Aragorn to return. I had an idea as to what ailed Legolas, but I wished that wasn’t so. He looked healthy enough on the outside, but I could feel his heart beating weaker than it normally would. Soon, the sound of footsteps came quickly. Aragorn entered with Elrond and Arwen on his heels.

    “What happened?” was Elrond’s first question, coming to rest right next to me. I nodded my head towards Aragorn, him knowing more than me. Elrond turned, his eyebrow up in question.

    “Legolas left last night,” he began, holding onto Arwen’s hand. “He did not give us a reason as to why he left, he just did. I went to go look for him, and found him in Fangorn Forest, a few hours ride from here. Legolas was acting strange. He did not want to come back, and kept telling me to leave him be. Obviously I insisted, and I got him to come back with me. We started on our way, and he told me he was dying. I did not believe it, because it was to my knowledge that Elves cannot die of sickness or natural causes.” Aragorn stopped, and looked into the elf’s face. I could see small tears forming in the corner of his eyes. It pained me to see Aragorn like this. “He told me to forget that he told me this, because there was nothing to do to help him. I turned away for a second, and when I looked back, he was slumped over the neck or Arod.”

    Elrond’s eyes narrowed as he looked into Legolas’ face. “Arwen,” he said, looking at his daughter. “Go send word to Thranduil, he should know what has happened to his son.” Arwen nodded once before rushing from the room. Her long dress, blew out behind her. Aragorn followed her with his eyes, a worried look in his eyes.

“Do you know what is wrong with him?” Aragorn asked, his voice small. Elrond looked at me. I had remained silent this entire time, waiting for Elrond to confirm my suspicions.

“He is dying,” I confirmed, not having the strength to look at Aragorn.

“That cannot be,” Aragorn wailed, looking back and forth between myself and Elrond. He collapsed on the edge of the bed, unable to deal with what is happening. I knew that Legolas and Aragorn were friends, but with what I saw in Legolas’ mind and Aragorn’s behavior, made me wonder.

“He is dying from a broken heart,” Elrond stated, coming to the same conclusion I just did. Aragorn’s head snapped up, looking hard at Elrond. “Elves never die from natural human causes. Legolas is dying from a natural elf cause. It is the same affliction that caused Arwen to wither during the battle for the ring.”

Aragorn grabbed Legolas’ hand in his own, looking at his face. The tears fell freely from his eyes now. “You love him,” came a voice from the hall. We all looked to see Arwen standing there, tears threatening to overflow from her own eyes. “Why did I never see it before?”

 I stood and walked towards Arwen, guiding her to the chair I had just occupied. She looked as if someone had just ripped out her heart. Aragorn also stood, coming to kneel next to her. He took her hand, and made her look into his eyes. “He is my friend,” he started, his voice gaining back that strength it had before.  

Elrond looked at me, and we both shared a look. There was more to this than met the eye. “Is Thranduil coming?” Elrond asked his daughter, pulling the King and Queen out of their tears. “Legolas needs his father.”

“He is coming,” she said simply, not looking at Aragorn.

“We must leave him be,” I stated, looking at Aragorn and Arwen. “He needs to rest. Thranduil will be able to help when he arrives.” They both nodded their heads, and stood to leave the room. Aragorn took one last look at Legolas, and then grabbed Arwen’s head to leave. She looked at her father, and then both were gone.

“Why did you tell him that?” Elrond asked, coming to stand by me. We were both looking down at Legolas. “Why did you lie to them?”

“I had to,” I said, sitting in the chair. “If I did not lie, then he would lose sight of what we took so long to accomplish. We both saw the feelings in Aragorn’s eyes. Legolas feels the same, that is why he left. Thranduil will come to the same conclusion. He will take one look at his son, and realize that he will die.”

Elrond sat on the edge of the bed, his right hand on his forehead. He looked pained, no one wants to see someone they have come to see as a son die. I placed a hand on his back, and looked out the window. I did not want to look into the face of an elf that I had failed. Elrond rose from his seat, and looked down at me.

        “Come,” he said. “We should leave him rest, his father will be here soon.” He extended a hand, and I took it. He helped me out of my chair, and we went to leave. With one last look at the bed, I looked at the young elf and sighed. His father would just tell us the same thing. The only way Legolas will survive is if the one who loves him confesses that love. We left the room, leaving the elf to rest, not knowing who will survive this.


Author’s Note

Guys, please don’t hate me! I am so sorry for not posting anything in such a long time. I’m in a local theater troupe in my area, and we’ve been working hard on the Crucible. Opening night is tonight! But I am so sorry for not writing anything… It’s been hard to write, and I appreciate all the support you guys have given me! You guys are great, and remember if you have any ideas, just message me. I gladly accept ideas. Thanks for the comments and the votes!

Love you all,


Love That Cannot Be (A Legolas and Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now