A Slight Change in Plans

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(Aragorn POV)

Legolas held my hand as we sat and waited in my chambers. We had sent word to Gandalf, Elrond, and Thranduil to come at once. The note laid open on the table, its words staring back at us. The words that ruined everything for us if we did something wrong. There was silence between the both of us, all we did was hold each other's hands and stare at the note. It felt as if an eternity had past, but it had only been a short time. I looked away from the note, and I saw that Legolas was looking outside. He looked so peaceful, yet I knew that below the surface that he was nervous and worried.

Both our heads snapped up as someone knocked on the door. We stood up and let go of our hands and took a step apart. We waited and saw that my servant Bliddry opened the doors and ushered in Elrond, Thranduil, and Gandalf.

"Thank you Bliddry," I said with a smile, nodding my head to dismiss him. He smiled in return and backed out of the room in a bow. He shut the doors, and we were in totally privacy. I sat down hard onto the chair I had just been occupying, and Legolas sat next to me. The others took the hint, and sat down in the other chairs around the table. Without saying anything, I gestured towards the note, and one by one, they all took turns reading it.

"What is the-?" started Elrond.

"We have to find-" interrupted Thranduil.

"We must-" voiced Gandalf.

All their voices combined together, and it was full of anger. "Please," started Legolas, his clear voice going over the others. "One at a time."

They stopped talking, and looked at us. Legolas was holding my hand, and I could see the determined look in his eyes.

"When did this note arrive?" Inquired Gandalf, trying to understand the entirety of the situation.

"It arrived this morning," Legolas replied, he was in better shape to talk than I was. "Aragorn's servant brought in his breakfast, and there it was sitting on the tray. Anyone could have put it there, but it would have been easier if it were a servant. I told Aragorn that we would have to keep apart from each other. That he would have to spend time with Arwen more, and make it seem as if nothing is the matter..." Legolas slowly looked down as he talked, and I could see the hurt in his face.

"A wise decision my son," Thranduil told him in a soft tone. I looked at him, and I could see how much he had changed. "Legolas, you should return with me to Murkwood for a short while, just so it appears that you have nothing to do with Aragorn."

Legolas nodded his head yes, slowly. He had yet to look up at his father, and it hurt me to tell him that it would be the best idea. Elrond had yet to say anything, and I looked at him now. His fingers were steepled in front of his face, his brows lined with thought. Everyone was silent as we thought over our problem.

"I wish I could say that I did not agree," Elrond said while we were all silent. He almost looked sad. "I agree with what Legolas is suggesting... We will have to make this convincing. Legolas will leave with his father the day after tomorrow. If Legolas leaves, the blackmailer would have no proof for his claims. I have no idea how long it will take for Gandalf and I to find the person doing this. We will work hard, but you will have to have patience."

"I understand," I told them. Everyone looked at me, for I had yet to say anything during this discussion. "It will be hard, but I believe that we can do it. It just hurts, because we had just realized our feelings, and now we have to be apart."

Legolas finally looked up, and we locked eyes. I could feel tears forming in my eyes, and I could see the same tears in his. It will be very difficult to be apart, but it is something we must do. "I love you," Legolas said softly, his voice slightly cracking.

"I love you too," I told him, bringing our clasped hands to my lips, and kissing his hand softly. I heard Gandalf clear his throat, and only then did I realize that there were other people in the room with us. A soft pink blush appeared in Legolas' cheeks, and it made me smile spite pur situation. "Take care of him."

"He is my son," Thranduil said with a slight smile. "I will take care of him, and make sure that he writes you. I do not wish for you to lose your love like I did."

"I will make the arrangements for your departure," Elrond stated, looking at Legolas and then at Thranduil. "Suiadan should be informed that you will be leaving."

Thranduil nodded his head, looking at Legolas. "Shall we get ready to leave my son?" he asked, standing up and gesturing towards the door. Legolas nodded his head and stood up also. Before he walked out of the room, he ran into my arms, enveloping me in a hug. I buried my face in his hair, and he buried his head in my chest. We were in a hug for a while, and before we let go, we shared a soft kiss. Legolas returned to his father, and with that they left the room.

I sat back down in front of Elrond and Gandalf. Elrond was still in thought, and Gandalf had started smoking his pipe. It was a strange calm to see him with his pipe. "Will we ever be safe to show our love to others?" I asked, resting my elbows on my knees. "Or will we forever be confined to hiding?"

"I do not know," Elrond stated solemnly. "You must be patient. He will return to you, but we have to know that you will be safe."

"Come Aragorn," Gandalf said, exhaling a puff of smoke. "You have to discuss this situation with Arwen. She has to know what will become of everything. I have faith that you will be able to someday be safe..." He was so confident, and he always had faith with everyone.

I nodded my head, trying to keep tears from falling from my eyes. "I understand," I told him quietly. "I do not know if she will be thrilled with what has happened, or will not understand what has happened."

"Only time will tell," Elrond told me quietly. He stood up and walked over to me. "We have much to discuss with my daughter." I stood up slowly, not sure what I should do anymore. "Come, we will figure this out altogether."


Author's Note,

Hey, y'all, I hope you guys have liked the story so far. I felt inspired, so here it is, my part is early ! I kept getting distracted, because I'm watching The Battle of the Five Armies, and it's hard to write when you're crying. I might be ending this soon, because I haven't had much inspiration... It just feels as if I keep prolonging the ending. If y'all have any ideas, make sure you message me! Keep commenting and voting, because I love reading your comments. Sorry if this part is really bad, it felt bad writing it.



P.S. Billy Boyds voice is beautiful!

Love That Cannot Be (A Legolas and Aragorn story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن