A Marriage Announcement and Exposed Secrets

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(Elrond POV)

My eyes watched Aragorn and Arwen at the head table. There was a feast being held for the recent announcement of their engagement. It felt strange, not having Legolas here. He was always at Aragorn's side, and helping him. I sighed and looked down at my plate in front of me.

"What is it, my old friend?" a voice asked, drawing me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Gandalf staring at me.

"Forgive me," I told him, setting my fork down. "I was thinking about how Aragorn and Arwen moved very quickly, even though Legolas has only been gone for a couple of days. It does not feel right..."

"I agree," Gandalf said, looking at the head table himself. Arwen was almost draped on top of Aragorn, and to those who did not know him that well would have thought he was enjoying himself. I saw the sadness that was in his eyes. He looked so upset, and I knew he was only doing this to keep his and Legolas' secret safe.

"I need to talk to my daughter later," I said to myself, picking my fork back up. 'I do not like where this is going... Things are moving too fast. Gandalf and I have barely had time to find out who was doing this to Legolas and Aragorn. Legolas must be impatient. If only he saw what was happening before my eyes.' I thought to myself as I picked at the food in front of me. The hall was filled with noise, so I had a way of distracting myself from what was really happening.

"Elrond, you must speak with Arwen," Gandalf said suddenly. It brought me out of my thoughts once again, and I looked at him with eyebrows raised. "Something does not sit right with me, and I believe that Arwen is to blame. She was the one to force the marriage, was she not?" I nodded my head and looked at them again. I saw Arwen standing up and walking towards an empty hall.

"If you would excuse me," I told him, seeing my chance to talk to my daughter. I pushed my chair out and went after her. Aragorn was still sitting at the table, a blank look in his eyes. It hurt to see someone who was basically a son to look so upset. With determined steps, I walked out into the hall. Arwen was not that far in front of me, and I quickened my pace slightly. "Arwen!"

Arwen turned with a smile on her face, recognizing my voice. I made a smile appear on my own face, not wanting her to know what I was really feeling. "Ada!" She said, running into a hug. "Is it not exciting? Aragorn and I are getting married!" She was too excited, and nothing like I knew her to be.

"It is very exciting," I told her, returning the hug. "Is it not a bit soon?" She pulled away from the hug and looked up at me. "Do not take it as rude, I mean Legolas just left, and everything seems to move so swiftly. Gandalf and I have yet had the ability to find out who sent that letter to Aragorn and Legolas in the first place."

"I was not the one to suggest the marriage," Arwen informed me. I was slightly taken aback at her statement. Aragorn had talked to me about it, and said that Arwen was the one who pushed the idea of marriage. 'Why is she lying?' I asked myself. "Aragorn came to me a few nights ago and asked me."

Everything was so confusing. "I will have to talk to him then," I told her, trying to make appear that I had no knowledge of anything. "Have you enjoyed the feast?"

"I have," She said with a smile. Trying to change the subject worked, causing her to become more calm.

"Would you mind if Aragorn, Gandalf, you, and I have a talk?" I inquired.

"I see no problem in that," she told me with a bigger smile. "I will wait in Aragorn's room if you would like to get the others." She turned on her heel and walked the other way, leaving me to stand in the hallway. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and chuckled slightly.

When I walked back into the hall, Aragorn and Gandalf were right where I left them. "Come with me you two," I told them, not really giving an explanation. Aragorn did not give any sign of complaining, and Gandalf raised his eyebrows slightly. They got up and followed me down the same hallway I just left. The noise died away to silence and the sound of our feet on the smooth stone.

It did not take long before we were at Aragorn's room. Arwen was sitting by the large window, a book in her hands. She looked up at the noise of the door, and a smile spread across her face. "Hello," she said, watching us take a seat by her. "Well Ada, what did you wish to discuss?"

I stood up slowly, looking at each person in turn. Aragorn was looking at his hands, Arwen was looking at Aragorn, and Gandalf was looking at me with questions in his eyes. I nodded at him, and cleared my throat, making sure everyone was looking at me. "I wanted to talk about the anonymous note that was sent to Aragorn and Legolas." I told them, Aragorn's head jerked up, and he stared at me. "A few things did not add up when it came to the letter. One would expect that after Legolas left, that a new letter would come threatening a little more, but none came. It seems as if the blackmailer just suddenly stopped caring."

Gandalf somewhat caught on to what I was saying, but he was still in the dark. "What are you saying?" Arwen asked, looking at me with worry in her eyes.

"I believe I finally know who the blackmailer is," I stated, crossing my arms across my chest. Aragorn looked at me with excitement, but Arwen had fear in her eyes. "What is wrong Arwen, would you not like to know who was blackmailing your friends?"

Arwen said nothing, she just looked at me in fear. My fears were confirmed as I continued to stare at my daughter. Gandalf sighed, looking down at his hands, coming to the same conclusion that I just did. Aragorn slowly turned to look at Arwen, seeing that she had tears in her eyes.

"Did you do this?" He asked quietly, anger filling his eyes. I wish it was not true, but the way Arwen was acting just made it more confirmed.

She burst into tears, covering her face with her hands. He body racked with sobs as we all stared at her. "Y-yes... I-I sen-t-t the le-tter," she said inbetween sobs.


Author's Note


Sorry haha. That was an eventful chapter. I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to actually post this part of my story... I am a live in nanny, and I am on my toes while watching a two year old. Plus I am in a college course, getting ready to be a freshmen in college this upcoming fall. I know that is no excuse, but they are my excuses for not writing. Thank you guys for getting me to almost 3k views, it means a lot! This story has gone beyond my expectations. Thank you all so much! I'm thinking about writing a Character x reader story, I just don't know what character... I've been reading a lot of Sebastian x reader and Free! x reader, so I want to do an anime... Help?



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