Good News has Come at Last

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(Suiadan POV)

    "My Lord?" I asked, stepping from the shadows. My Lord Thranduil was sitting on his throne, reading a book. He looked so normal up there, just minding his own business. He had changed since he lost his lover. Thranduil looked up from his book once I reached the foot of his throne.

 "Yes Suiadan, what is it?" Thranduil asked, looking over the top of his book. I held a note in my hand, and it was a note from the Lord Elrond. It held good news for my Lord's son.

 "A letter had arrived for you from Gondor," I stated. Thranduil lowered his book, raising his eyebrow in a question. A small smile appeared on my face as I handed the letter to my master. I watched as he read the note, a smile slowly making its way onto his face.

 "Suiadan, have you been reading my mail?" Thranduil asked after he was done reading. He looked at me with a glint of humor in his eyes as he put the letter down.

 "Oh My Lord, I would never do such a thing," I responded, bowing my head with a smile. I heard Thranduil laugh slightly as he stood up from his seat. "Would you like for me to send to Legolas?"

 "Yes, thank you my friend," Thranduil said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head and quickly made my way to Legolas' chambers. He had basically locked himself in there for the past few days.

 Ever since we had left Gondor, Legolas has yet to smile or have a happy thought. His only thought has been of Aragorn. My heart broke every time I sought after him, and saw the sadness in his eyes. Maybe this letter will bring him happiness. I opened the letter, and read through it again. It came as quite a shock when I first read it.


Dear Thranduil,

Some new information has come to light on our recent predicament. We have discovered who was behind the blackmail, and it turns out that it was my daughter the entire time. She wished to be with Aragorn, and Legolas got in the way of that plan. She admitted that it was her, and said that she would leave both of them alone. I am very upset with my daughter, and we will soon be traveling to the Grey Havens. I am sorry for whatever hardship my daughter has given to you and your son. It is alright for Legolas to return to Gondor to be with Aragorn. Aragorn wishes for their relationship to be known, because he is tired of hiding it from his people. I hope that you and your son will be able to return quickly, because Aragorn has missed his love.

Your friend,



 When I had finished reading, a smile lit my face again. I quickly folded the letter up before knocking on Legolas' door. There was no response from the other side, and I knocked again. I could see him now, sitting on his bed, facing the window. That was his usual position the past few days.

 "My prince?" I asked softly, opening the door. There he was, sitting on his bed. He looked as if he had just been crying. "A letter has arrived for you father, and it concerns you." Legolas had yet to turn around to look at me. He merely shook his head and held his hand out. I sighed quietly, and handed the letter to him. I would be unable to see his face while he reads the letter.

 As he unfolded the letter, I walked over to the side so I could see his face. I had to restrain from letting the smile onto my face. I watched Legolas' eyes as they scanned over the words in front of him. I saw a small glint of life in his eyes as he read further. A huge smile spread across his face as he looked at me and then back at the letter.

 "Is this real?" he asked in a small voice. I nodded my head yes, and Legolas jumped off the bed and ran down the hall. I had an idea of where he was heading, so I ran after him. We were running to the throne room, where I had left my Lord. There was a happy bounce in the young lord's step, and it brought a smile to my face to see his happiness.

 Legolas busted into the throne room, and Thranduil looked up from his book. He must have been waiting because his book was not even open anymore. He was waiting for his son to read the good news.

 "Is it not wonderful?" Legolas asked, a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. They were tears of joy, and I had to fight back the lump in my own throat. My Lord did something I did not expect, he got off his throne and brought his son into his arms. They were hugging, which was strange to me. I watched this father and son moment, as I melted into the shadows.

 I sent word quickly to the stables to get the horses ready, because I had an idea that we would be leaving soon. It was not long before My Lord called for me to join them in the throne room again. I walked out of the shadows, a smile on my face.

 "Yes My Lord?" I asked, bowing my head.

 "Please get the-" Thranduil started.

 "Your elk, and Legolas' horse are being prepared as we spear," I interrupted, looking up at him with a mischievous glint in my eyes.  Thranduil chuckled slightly and pinched the bridge of his nose.

 "Must you always interrupt-" he was about to say.

 "Well it is my duty my Lord," I interrupted again, waiting to see his reaction. Legolas was laughing to himself at my antics. Everything was happy, and everything felt back to normal. It was a good day.

 "Just please finish the preparations," Thranduil said in a huff. I laughed slightly and nodded my head yes.

 "Everything will be ready shortly My Lord," I said, bowing my head before walking from the room. Everything had happened so quickly. Hopefully we learn more of the story once we reach Gondor. For now, everything was working out for the better.


Author's Note,

Hey guys! Thank you so much for the 3k views, it means so much! And to all my silent readers, I know you are there... Please vote and comment, because it makes my day to see everyone who does vote and comment. Thank you to those few readers who have been with me since the beginning, you guys are amazing! I will be starting a character x reader, and it will probably be a Black Butler one. Thanks again guys!



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