If it was a sad song or a break up song, you would imagine two individuals breaking up,with tears and gazes or pain as they say the lyrics to one another. You would create a whole music video in your head, that often kept your thoughts occupied and even entertained you. And other times it would just wake up your empathetic feelings and make you feel the emotions the imaginary people in your head were feeling. It probably would sound weird if you were to explain it to someone else. But it happens and it happened this time too.

Lost in a beach with a sunny weather and people that run happily, just like the vibe of the melody you were hearing, you hadn't even noticed by when you had reached at an underground parking.

DongMin was the first to step out of his car and the sound of his door closing was actually what had gotten you to snap back to reality and proceed to grab your bag and step out as well. You quietly followed him after he locked the vehicle and approached the elevator, in which unfortunately you happened to be just the two of you.

"We are going to Jimin's apartment. Please be careful while on this building. Make sure no one sees you while entering or getting out of his apartment because it may cause inconvenience in the future. Using the parking entrance is something I would recommend for as long as this lasts." DongMin spoke up, breaking the silence and informing you for important things that could cause trouble to Jimin .

"Trying to avoid scandals I see." You commented as you proceeded to place your earphones at the pocket of your bag.

"Useless and false rumors are always unnecessary . But with you around I guess it's like I already left a wolf inside. Still because I know you and because I can't really do otherwise, I will trust that whatever your reason of being here is. It will be for the right cause." He looked at you as he spoke, trying to appeal at your humanitarian feelings and general empathetic side, since he was indeed scared of your reasons of being there but since you knew way to much for him and you had openly blackmailed him in a way , to do you this favor, he had no other option but to let you get close.

It was strange to him, truth was. Knowing you for so long and for whom you really were, it was more than surprising that you had used your knowledge to force someone's actions. You had left so many things go by and he knew that well. You kept secrets of people too yourself as if you were a coffer. Not even with him you didn't shared your knowledge when he was your boyfriend and as such supposedly the closest person to you and the one that you should tell everything to.

You would always say that just because you happen to know, that doesn't give you the right to talk about it. Just because their secret was something that you happened to discover, that didn't mean that you had the right to spread it. Even when he was to make scenes, telling you that he feels distant because you keep things from him, you had never once broke that belief of yours.

It was one of the reasons he used to respect you back then but also the reason that you had ended up fighting often. Because you didn't only kept them to yourself but you also refused to ever use those secrets to your personal advantage of anyone's advantage. Not even when he needed help and you  could have helped him with letting him in some personal stuff of his opponent, you had never done so. And as fair as it might have been it was as equally irritating to him. What kinda of love was your love, if you couldn't put your boyfriend's benefit over what you thought as someone's rights on privacy.

But now you seemed to have stepped on that line since you had used the knowledge you had over him for your benefit and he wasn't sure if he liked the fact that you evolved or was curious to know, what was it that had really made you step this far.

"We are here. Remember the number." He said to you as soon as the elevator opened its doors and you stepped out,  soon approaching an apartment door that you immediately noticed that wasn't the same that you had met him at last time.

"Isn't this the address you send me last time?" You questioned him and DongMin answered without hesitation as he placed the code on the door for it to open.

"That was my place. This is Jimin's apartment. He usually doesn't let many work related people come over." You nodded your head in understanding as the door opened and you followed him inside.

You glanced subtly at your surrounding as you entered, taking in the interior design of the unfamiliar to you place, till a voice greeted you and you glaced towards the owner of it, soon bowing to the unknown man, giving him a proper greeting back.

"She is the trainy that Jimin must have told you about. Introduce yourself Y/N. He is Jimin's cousin and best friend as well as his personal lawyer." DongMin informed you as he smiled politely at the quiet good looking man that was standing before you.

"I am Song Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled after your formal words and took two steps closer reaching his hand out to you for a handshake, action that surprised you for an instant but you reached out to it and took hold of his hand anyway,not wanting to offend him in any way with your hesitation.

"Kim SeokJin. You can call me Jin." He seemed to have a quiet friendly vibe that brought a small smile on your face, before you retrieved you hand and then another voice echoed, disturbing the friendly atmosphere.

"Oh, you are finally here. Y/N come to my office. DongMin,you may go. I will call you later." Jimin spoke as soon as he entered the living room and then turned around and left towards his right, without even waiting for anyone to reply to him.

"Go." DongMin ushered you as you had remained there hesitant and confused with the situation but after his words you excused yourself and went towards the corridor that turned out to be longer than you had originally thought.

Your steps were slow as you walked, unsure of which door was to be his so called office, till you reached at one that was slightly open so you proceeded to push it, soon feeling relieved that it was the right room, as the figure of Jimin behind a desk came immediately to view.

"Come inside and close the door." He told you as you made your first reluctant step in and you proceeded to do so a bit awkwardly as you weren't really comfortable in his presence. Everyone but DongMin were strangers to you after all, and DongMin himself wasn't the best presence to you so in general, the feeling while around all of them was not anywhere near close to pleasant or positive.

"Take this. It's a random scrip." He said as he left some papers on his desk for you to take and you reluctantly grabbed them, soon realising that there were quiet some pages since it weighted a bit on your palm.

" 200 pages, memorise only the female leads part. You have ten minutes." He uttered as he opened a shelf and took out of it a sandglass that to your surprise he didn't even hesitate to flip it and place it on his desk, the sand that was running down, counting your time while you hadn't even opened that script yet, caught of guard by his request.

A request that was to help him judge in what level was your acting experience as well as were he should begin with you.

---To be continued...

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