Part One

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Jamie cursed as he gazed up at the flight information. All flights out of New York were cancelled, due to the freakish snowstorm to the north.

Cancelled. Cancelled. Cancelled.

Shaking his head, he made his way over to the seats, pulling out his phone as he did so. He just hoped Monica wouldn't be too angry.

Drake stared at the man in front of him. He was tall and thin, with brown hair and dark eyes. He was gesturing wildly as he talked on the phone. Whoever it was wasn't very happy with him.

With a final exclamation, the man hung up the phone and sunk into the chair, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

And that's my cue, Drake thought.

"Trouble on the home front?" A drawling voice asked. Looking up, Jamie could only stare at the man in front of him. He was, quite possibly, the largest person he had ever seen.

As the silence stretched on uncomfortably, the man in front of him chuckled.

"I'm Drake. I was going to fly home to Washington for Thanksgiving, but, as you can see, that's not gonna happen."

As Jamie continued to stare at him, he cleared his throat and shuffled his feet awkwardly. "So, I'm guessing you don't have a way home. Luckily, I do. If you want, I can drive you there?"

Blinking several times, he replied, "Umm, not that I'm not grateful, but ... why me? I mean, I could be a serial killer or sociopath or something."

"Well, the very fact that you would bring it up helps to reassure me that you are not in fact a sociopath. And I picked you because I think you're cute!" He grinned.

Jamie choked. "Uhhh..."

"So, what'dya say? Yay or nay?"

Jamie thought for a minute, then sighed. "Yay."

Jamie fidgeted. They had been 6 hours on the road and it was starting to get dark. Plus, they hadn't stopped at all and he really needed to use the bathroom.

Drake glanced over and chuckled. "We'll stop in about 5 minutes. I'm getting hungry and I need to fill up with gas." Jamie nodded quickly, counting the mile markers to distract himself.

Finally, they pulled off the highway and up to a gas station. Jamie bolted from the car, ignoring Drake's laughter from behind him.

After he was finished, he grabbed two cans of coke and some chips to snack on. When he walked back to the car, he threw one can to Drake. Catching it, Drake laughed.

"This isn't dinner, silly! Come on, it's my treat," He led the way over to the Wendy's across the street.

"And this is?" Jamie smirked.

"Well, it's better then what you grabbed. You couldn't even feed a kid on what you got!"

After dinner, they got back into the car. Jamie had offered to drive, but Drake had gasped (quite diva-like) and protested vehemently.

"This is my baby! I just can't let you drive her! I have no idea how you drive! You could ruin her!"

Jamie looked at him, then said, "I take it, that's a no?"

"Damn straight, it's a no."

Now, as they drove down towards Ohio, Drake couldn't help but look over at Jamie. He was snuggled up against the car door, trying to get some sleep. The lights from passing cars sporadically illuminated his face, drawing attention to his long eyelashes and bow-shaped lips. Drake shifted uncomfortably for a moment as he thought of where he'd like those lips to be, then sighed. Jamie hadn't responded to his flirting all through dinner, making it very hard for him to tell if he was actually gay or not. On the one hand, he had accepted the car ride, knowing that Drake thought he was cute. But on the other, he didn't respond to anything he had done to try and win him over. What a shame too, because this guy - hmmm, what a man!

Jamie flipped over, turning so he was now facing the window. Drake froze for a second, then relaxed. For a second, he thought that Jamie had caught him staring!

Grinning slightly, he noticed a sign for a motel up ahead and took the exit ramp.

Knock knock knock.

Jamie jerked awake. Drake hovered outside the window, his fist raised to the glass. Looking around dazedly, he realized the car was stopped. Slowly, he clambered out of the car, stumbling a little.

"So, I booked us a room for the night," Drake said, as they walked toward the building.

"Us? A room? As in, we have to share?" Jamie gasped.

"I tried to get us two separate rooms but, well, this was the only one left," he said apologetically. "However, I'm pretty sure that there are two separate beds-"

Drake swung open the door, revealing only one.

A Not So Happy Thanksgiving (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now