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December 29, 2018

"Bro shut the fuck up" I heard someone say. "She's twitching what the fuck is wrong with her." I heard another whisper. "Bro just shut up. You're gonna wake her up." I heard someone else say.

"Too late for that." I say yawning and opening my eyes to see Logan with a cake, Danny with balloons and Frank and Julian with Cupcakes and their cameras and flashes. "What the-." "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELLY" they screamed and Julian and Frank were quick enough to throw the cupcakes on my face.

I mean I'm just waking up I obviously don't know what the fuck is happening. "You did not" I say wiping it off my eyes. "Happy birthday cousin!" They both yelled and hugged me. "I can't believe you fakas" I said as they pulled away. "You're legal now!" Frank jumped up excitedly.

"I'm still trying to process this shit." I said wiping the frosting off my face and licking it. "Ah it's whipped frosting!" I said excitedly and getting out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and instantly wash my face and brush my teeth.

Walking back into my room to the boys all on their phones and Logan looked up smiling at me. "So we gonna have morning cake or what?" I questioned as they all said hell yeah. "Lowg come help me grab some forks please." I said as he nodded his head.

We walked out and went downstairs to the kitchen. "Happy birthday Baby" Logan said planting a kiss on my lips. "Thank you Bubba's." I smiled and hugged him.

"What do you want to eat other than cake today?" smiled and went to grab forks. "let's go get Micky Ds please" I pleaded. "I can give you some of these." He smirked looking down at himself as I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"In your dreams prettyboi" I said lightly placing my hand on his chest. "Let's go get your McDonald's and then we'll come back." Logan said grabbing my hand and taking me out to his car.

"Let me text the boys." I said "Nah don't they probably won't even notice we're gone." Logan shrugged as I nodded my head and we drove off to Logan's work.

Frank's Pov:

"Yo Where are those two anyway?" Julian asked confused as I looked up from my phone and shrugged. Danny did the sMe thing. "They're probably fucking in the bathroom" I shrugged as they nodded their heads and went back to their phones.

Melody's PoV:

"Aye thanks man." Logan said to his coworker. "Aye no problem Logan. And Happy birthday Melody" he said "Thanks Greg!" I smiled and waved as we drove off back to the house. "You know I bet anything, they think we're fucking." I said out of nowhere as Logan looks at me in disbelief. "How would you know that missy?" He asked making me giggle.

"I may not be a boy, but I've lived with guys my entire life. AND I know my cousins like the back of my head." I said as he nodded his head "That's true." He admitted as I smiled.

*At the house*

We walked up to my room and Danny was knocked out on my fluffy bean bag while Julian laid on my big stuffed panda bear Logan won for me at the Fair. Frank was inside my bathroom making TikToks.

"Gotchu food savages" I said tossing it onto my bed with the forks. "Finally we thought y'all were fucking downstairs." Frank said grabbing a sandwich out of the bag. "I told you" I looked at Logan who shook his head pulling me onto his lap. "So what did you wanna do today Mel?" Julian asked me as I took a bite of the cake they bought me.

"Well...I was finna tell y'all last night but I GOT AN AIRBNB" I said excitedly and jumped up and down in Logan's lap. "Damn Mel chill" he laughed "Sorry Bubbas" I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Well shit Melly, we gon turn the fuck up what made you wanna get an Airbnb anyway?" Julian laughed

See Ya Later ~Logan Mendoza~ Sweetea {COMPLETE}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora