It's not you, it's me Klaus Baudelaire x reader

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A/n: This one-shot is based off the movie Cruel Intentions, If you guys haven't watched it, I recommend you check it out, it's good. But anyways, prepare yourself for some heartbreak, I'm sorry.

Y/n's P.O.V.

I led Klaus into one of the guest bedrooms showing him the last room in my house. "And this is the guest room," I smiled. Klaus didn't have his usual smile. This time he looked depressed. "Y/n, there's something I have to tell you," he said. "Tell me," I whispered. He let out a sigh then looked down for a split second before his eyes reconnected with mine.

"This isn't working out for me anymore," he said flatly. I let out a small chuckle and leaned in towards him. "Yeah, me neither," I planted a soft kiss on his cold, soft lips, but he didn't kiss me back. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's not you, It's me, I'm completely messed up," He answered. I gently placed a hand on his cheek and gave him a soft sympathetic look.

"What are you saying?" He walked away from me and let out a small sigh. "I thought I was in love with you, but it was just a lie. I wanted it to work but unfortunately I feel nothing," he admitted. I was confused at first, I didn't think he meant what he said, so I did nothing about it. "Why are you doing this?" I asked taking a step towards him. "I just wanted to see what you were like in bed," he answered.

I didn't want to believe a word he was saying so I tried to deny what he said. "I know you don't mean that," I said slightly shaking my head. He turned around looking slightly furious. "You know nothing! You don't even know me! The fact of the matter is, there is someone I love, you don't even compare to her!" he shouted. I still refused to believe what he was saying. "I don't believe you," I stated.

"I don't know how to make this any clearer to you! You mean nothing to me! You were just a conquest!" I shook my head again refusing to listen to him, I knew that he was lying about it and was just trying to get a reaction out of me. "Your such a coward, look at yourself, your shaking, Is that what you came here to tell me?" I asked my voice breaking slightly. "I-I'm s-sorry, I'm completely-"

"Your completely messed up! Get out," I said as I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "Get out!" I shouted as he slowly walked towards me. He tried to grab my hand but I pushed it away. "Don't touch me! Don't touch me Klaus! NO!" I screamed smacking him across the face knocking his glasses onto the floor. He looked slightly stunned, but I didn't care. "Just leave," I whispered.

He picked up his glasses and left the room without saying a word, and I started crying on the bed, wondering what happened to us.

A Series of Unfortunate Events Imagines and PreferencesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum