How they react when you get hurt

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Violet: Violet would act calm on the outside, but on the inside she would freak out.

Klaus: He would start hyperventilate and freak out, but you did your best to calm him down.

Duncan: Duncan stayed very calm and held you close hoping to make you feel better.

Isadora: Isadora would try her best to stay calm, but if there was blood involved she didn't want to have any part of it.

Quigley: Quigley would constantly make sure that you were okay, and make sure that anything you needed, Ice pack, Band-Aids, etc.

Esme: She would try to take care of you but she would constantly say that getting injured was not very in.

Carmelita: When you got hurt, she would freak out and start running around in circles until you were feeling better.

Olaf: Normally, he wouldn't care if someone got hurt, but with you he treated you like a precious gemstone, and made sure that you were fine.

Fiona: She would put the submarine on lockdown, until you were feeling better, she would constantly ask if you were okay, and ask if you needed anything.

Lemony: He would act like he was dying, so you would be the one to calm him down most of the time instead of him calming you down.

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